Taught in 3rd year ChemistrySection environent care
Theory [A] 26.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 78.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract?
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Dagmare LOCKEFEER
Reference TGCHCM03A23995
Key words
environmental reporting, environmental policies

Business Economics and Management:
  • Students get to know and get to the bottom of business organization in a judicial manner, as well as in a organizational manner.
  • Discussion of the obligations concerning the drawing up of an environmental (annual) report.
  • Discussion of the responsabilities and the liabilities of persons or organisations.
  • Discussion of the cost - benefit analyses from an environmental perspective.

This part of the course gets the students acquainted with the internal and external communication concerning environmental policy of a corporation.
  • Internal: Students should be able to use and develop their communicative skills which enables them to report about the incorporation of an environmental policy and contingent training activities. Students should also be able to use and develop their communicative skills which allows them to organise the communication on environmental issues with staff. Following subjects are dealt with: meeting strategies, internal notes, agendas, planning and management of a corporation: conflict situations, training activities...
  • External:In this part of the course, students learn to write an environmental annual report and an environmental efficiency report (content, structure and layout). Students also learn how to translate environmental reports through a practical exercise on the world wide web. (English / Dutch and vice versa)

Business Economics and Management:
  • Drawing up of an organizational chart of a company, followed by the assigning of the responsabilities and judicial liabilities.
  • Practical cost - benefit analysis.

  • External communication:
    1. Environmental efficiency report: theoretical discussion on content, structure and layout.
    2. Environmental annual report: theoretical discussion on content, structure and layout; translation practice on an excerpt of an environmental annual report on the world wide web (English / Dutch and vice versa).
  • Internal communication:
    1. Reporting on the incorporation of an environmental policy in a company.
    2. Organisation of training activities concerning the incorporation of an environmental policy in a company.
    3. Organisation towards staff: meeting strategies (theoretical discussion on the preparation, strategies and closure of a meeting; meeting practice on environmental case studies/ topics), internal notes (theoretical discussion on structure and content, e.g. a conflict situation; practice on composing an internal note), composition of an agenda, conflict situations, training activities.
  • Sources: practice on the use of electronic sources on environmental case studies and topics.

No prior knowledge required

Final Objectives

Materials used
Syllabus by the lector which has to be completed by the students. Students should write down examples and practical exercises.

Study costs
± 6 euro for both parts of the course

Study guidance
Any student can contact the teachers if problems occur. Individual counselling is possible on personal demand.

Teaching Methods
According to the lesson subject: exercises, individual tasks, group discussion...
Tasks regularly have to be prepared at home.

Total of points: 60 pts. (3 stp.)

Business Economics and Management: 30 pts. (1.5 stp)
  • 100 % written exam
Methodology: 30pts. (1.5 stp)
  • 50 % written exam
  • 50 % permanent assessment
There is a 2nd examination period for both parts of the course

Dagmare Lockefeer (Business Economics and Management)
Johan Van Assche of Sylvie Vanrenterghem (Methodology)