Key words Digital electronics
Objectives The objective is to give students an introduction into digital electronics. This introduction is needed for other courses like PLC, microprocessors,...
This introduction consists of (among other)
- number and coding systems
- Boolean functions
- simplifying and interpreting logic equations
- Use of K-maps in generation of logic equations
- Design of combinational and sequential circuits
- Reading and interpreting electronic circuits
- number and coding systems
- logic functions
- simplification of logic functions
- use of K-maps
- combinatorial circuits
- flipflops
- sequential circuits
- arithmetic circuits
- logic families
- memories
- schematic analysis
Prerequisites none
Final Objectives
Materials used teacher's course and digital media
Study costs
Study guidance questions during the course
monitoring through e-learning platform
Teaching Methods - lectures
- exercises
- e-learning platform
Assessment Scoring sytem :
a maximum of 60 points.
assessments through e-learning platform : 30 points
written examination (open book) : 30 points
Lecturer(s) Frank SIERENS