Wordt gegeven in Keuzelijst voor 2de en 3de jaar Bachelor in de bestuurskunde en het publiek management
Hoorcollege [A] 8.0
Werkcollege [B] 18.0
Begel. zelfst./extern werk [C] 6.0
Totale studietijd [D] 90.0
Studiepunten [E] 3
Niveau uitdiepend
Creditcontract? toegankelijk
Onderwijstaal Engels
Titularis Nog niet bepaald
Referentie HBBEST03K00033
PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, market entry strategy, entrepreneurial spirit

The goal of this course is that the students learn how to advize a company in its choice of foreign trade expansion, based on well documented reports.

The students work in a small team for an internationally active company (virtual). This company wants to expand its activities in a specific region.
- The team's first assignment is to select a suitable country within this region. This is done through a PEST analysis of three competing countries and finalized in a comparative decision matrix.
- In its second assignment the team will perform a sector analysis within the selected country. One of the elements will be a SWOT analysis on sectoral level.
- In its third assignment, the team will give advice about the market entry strategy.

No specific competences are required.

To be able to advise a company in its choice of foreign trade expansion.
- Working with specialised databases
- Performing a PEST analysis
- Constructing a PEST decision matrix
- Performing a sector analysis
- Synthesizing a sector analysis in a SWOT matrix
- Formulating a draft of market entry strategy

Working efficiently and effectively in a team
To be able to report information (compact, convincing, well documented)
- Analyzing and synthesizing relevant information
- Writing a semi-professional report
- Giving a clear and convincing oral presentation

Some frameworks (e.g. to do the PEST- and SWOT-analyses) and an action plan with deadlines are provided. Students are instructed where and how to find the relevant information, to distinguish relevant from interesting information, how to make a PEST analysis of a country (extensive examples are provided through Dokeos) and how to realize a sector analysis. For each assignment a checklist is provided.

None: all necessary information is provided through Dokeos.

Coaching of individual teams.
E-mail and E-forum in Dokeos.

The course starts with some traditional lectures. Thereafter the teams elaborate the three assignments. The teams are coached according to their needs. The desk research is based on learning-by-doing. There is a minimum of teaching and a maximum of communication. The students present their temporary and final results to the coach and the other students, from whom they get questions and feedback. Students exchange their experiences and expertise.

The evaluation is based on (a) the quality of the assignments and improvements made after the feedback rounds, (b) the oral presentation and (c) the commitment in the team (students will evaluate each other).
There is no traditional exam.
Exam contract: The three assignments (PEST, SWOT, market entry) are realized and the necessary information can be found on Dokeos.

Johan Verrue