Key words Cel- en gentechnologie, biotechnologie, recombinant DNA technologie / IWETO-codes: p320- nucleïnezuren; b220-genetica; b225-plantengenetica; b230-microbiologie; t490-biotechnologie
Objectives The aim of the course is to give the student an overview of different techniques in the field of the recombinant DNA technology. Emphasis will be given to the isolation and recombination of useful genes for the transformation of organisms.
The course enables the student to understand and implement the different techniques used for the creation of genetically modified organisms. Moreover the student will obtain a number of skills to work adequately and correctly in a biotechnological laboratorium or firm.
The course gives an lineary organised overview of a number of techniques from the recombinant DNA- technology. Attention will be given to the cloning of DNA, cloning vectors for procaryotes and eucaryotes, the construction of recombinant DNA molecules, the transformation of cells, the cloning of specific genes, the selection and characterization of recombinants and different expression vectors.
During the practicals different techniques frequently used in modern biotechnology will be covered. The exercises consist of the following items: the isolation and analysis of plasmid DNA, the isolation and cloning of restriction fragments, the construction of a recombinant DNA molecule, the selection of transformed micro organisms, the analysis of restriction fragments through agarose gelelectroforese and finally the sequencing of DNA.
Prerequisites Knowledge of biochemistry, genetics and biotechnology
Final Objectives
- Thorough knowledge of applied cell and gene technology
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Syllabus “Cell and gene technology”
Textbooks and scientific papers; websites
Study costs Cost: 7.0 EUR Cost syllabus: ± 7.0 Euro
Study guidance Additional information can always be asked
Teaching Methods Lectures
Laboratory excercises
- Theory: oral examination with written preparation.
- Practicals: permanent evaluation and quotation of the reports.
Scoring system:
Lecturer(s) T.: Kathy Messens
P: Kathy Messens