Taught in 4th Business Studies Optional course integrated teacher trainingµ
Theory [A] 52.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 180.0
Studypoints [E] 6
Level specialized
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract?
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Gerrit VAN DAELE
Reference HLHAWE04K00315
Key words

Both banks and insurance companies sell insurance policies. Students who intend to go to work in a bank (or in an insurance company) need to know how insurance technically works, what the basic insurance legislation is all about, and what classes of business are sold.

After having worked through the course, the student should be able to :

1. understand general and special conditions of most private and corporate insurances.
2. quickly obtain specialized knowledge concerning insurance and risk management in a professional environment.
3. have a critical attitude towards information on insurance and information by insurance companies and to be able to analyze and evaluate this information.
4. recognize and solve current insurance problems in a professional environment

1st part: study of the insurance world:
- risk management
- technical aspects of insurances
2nd part: study of the market players, such as insurance companies, banks, brokers,…
3d part: thorough study of the law on terrestrial insurances and car insurances
4th part: study of most currant insurances

Civil law, accountancy, fiscal law

Final Objectives

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Syllabus, websites, brochures, general conditions, policies, scientific & technical literature

Study costs
6,40 EUR

Study guidance
Students may always contact the professor with questions

Teaching Methods
Lectures, one individual work (synthesis), one group work (on fiscal aspects of life insurance), lectures by external parties

closed book written examination + synthesis. If the group work is finished successfully, a part of the syllabus is exonerated.

Gerrit Van Daele