Taught in 3rd year Bachelor in Industrial Sciences in Computer Science
Theory [A] 24.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 85.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Level specialized
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract?
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Jan CNOPS
Reference IBIWIT03K00002
Key words
compression techniques, artificial intelligence, neural networks, P170, P175, T120

The course treats two subjects of informatics: compression techniques and artificial intelligence.
In the first part the student gets to know the basic principles of different forms of compression, and learns to recognise what their applicability is.
With the second part he gets an general introduction to the different domains of artifivial intelligence.
We focus on one specific area: neural networks.

Following subjects are treated:

Compression techniques.
Information content of a message. Lossless and lossy compression. Codes with variable length. Prefixcodes.
Lossless algorithms: Huffman compression, aritmetic encoding, other techniques.
Lossy compression. Audio compression: mp3. Video compression: JPEG.

Artificial Intelligence.
Overview. Expert systems and learning systems.
Comparison between biological neural nets, Classical computer programs and artificial intelligence.
Associative memories.
Classification problems. Recognition of subgroups of a data set. Learning with and without examples of classified elements (supervision).
Different forms of supervised networks: linear and non-linear classification.
Methods without supervision.
Possible application: a scheme for a translation network.

Wiskunde I and II

Final Objectives
General scientific competences [AWC1,AWC4]
Being able to think and reason critically, creatively and scientifically.
Being able to gather and process relevant scientific and technical information adequately.

General technical competences [ATC3,ATC4]
Being able to execute scientific and technical orders autonomously.
Being able to use research methods and techniques adequately for the solution of engineering problems.

General Competences [AC1,AC5]
Being able to talk about problems and solve them adequately in team.
Being able to act quality conscious.

Specifieke competenties [SC3, SC10]
Being able to acquire in theory possible forms of present day programming techniques, viz. those connected with artificial intelligence, and apply them effortlessly in practice.
Being able to acquire knowledge and insight in the domains of scientific research in modern informatics, such as the techniques connected to the efficient storage of data.

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::

Study costs
Estimated 5.0 EUR

Study guidance
Explanations after theory lessons or on appointment.

Teaching Methods
Hearing college.

Oral examination.

Vakgroep Informatica.