Taught in 3rd year Bachelor in Industrial Sciences in Computer Science
Theory [A] 24.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 85.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Level specialized
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract?
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Joris MOREAU
Reference IBIWIT03K00003
Key words
Computer science (P170), Informatics (P175), Computer technology (T120)

A survey of various techniques to define and render 3D objects

  • Rastering
  • Affine transformations and perspective projections
  • Curves and splines
  • Surfaces
  • Wavelets
  • Rendering of 3D objects

Final Objectives acquiered by Mathematics I, II & III, Numerical Algoritms

Final Objectives
Acquired concepts
  • Midpoint subdivision, quadrant and octant DDD, Multi-step DDA
  • Rastering of circles (Bresenham algoritm), filled polygons and thick lines
  • Antialiasing, supersampling, postfiltering, prefiltering
  • Affine 3D rotations, scaling operations, reflections, translations
  • Perspective projection, viewport, 2D and 3D clipping
  • CAGD, data points, control points, parameter representation, tangent line, osculating circle
  • Base matrix, blending functions, barycentric combination
  • Linear, Lagrange and Hermite interpolation, extended Neville algoritm
  • Blossom notation, multi-linearity, Bézier curve, convex hull property
  • Segmentation and raising of degree, continuity of Bézier splines
  • Bézier representation of Lagrange of Hermite interpolated curves
  • Polynomial B-splines, knot vector, virtual and real knots, nodal points
  • Bézier representation of B-splines
  • Knot insertion, uniform and open-uniform B-splines
  • Cox and de Boor algoritm, rationale B-splines (NURBS)
  • Construction ov circles
  • 1D-wavelets, analysis or decomposition, synthesis or reconstruction
  • Multi-resolution analysis, Haar wavelet transformation and spline wavelets
  • Tensor product surfaces
  • Bézier patches, NURBS patches, Coons and Gordon surfaces
  • 2D-wavelets and tensor product wavelets
  • Removal of invisible surfaces: z-Buffer, list-priority, scanline, ray casting and area subdivision algoritms
  • Diffuse and mirroring reflection, ambient light, local and global reflection models
  • Ray tracing and radiosity
  • Gouraud and Phong shading
Acquired insights
  • Algoritms for rastering of basic objects
  • Antialiasing methods
  • Calculation of affine transformations and of perspective projections
  • Survey of CAGD techniques
  • Applying discrete wavelet transformations in computer graphics
  • Methods for removal of invisible surfaces
  • Applying effects of light and shadow, illuminating and reflection models
Acquired competence goals
  • Ability to apply general scientific insights (numerical methods) to scientific problems (rendering of 3D objects) (AWC2)
  • Ability to analyse engineering problems in a scientific way, and to solve them (ATC2)
  • Ability to use research methods and techiques to solve engineering problems (ATC4)
  • Ability to implement and apply basic algorithms and data structures (SC8)
  • Ability to obtain knowledge and insight in present-day scientific research in computer science (SC10)

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Syllabus, slides and interactive applets

Further reading:

  • Farin, Gerald, Curves and Surfaces for CAGD, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002
  • Goldman, Ron, Pyramid Algorithms, Morgan Kaufmann, 2003
  • Prautzsch, Hartmut, Boehm, Wolfgang en Paluszny, Marco, Bézier and B-Spline Techniques, Springer, 2002
  • Salomon, David, Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, Springer, 1999
  • Stollnitz, Eric J., Derose, Tony D. en Salesin, David H., Wavelets for Computer Graphics, Morgan Kaufmann, 1996

Study costs
€ 4

Study guidance
The students can make an appointment or e-mail

Teaching Methods

Oral examination

Joris Moreau