Taught in 3rd year Bachelor in Industrial Sciences in Electromechanics
Linking course to Master inIndustrial Sciences in Textile Technologyfor professionele bachelors in de textieltechnologie
Theory [A] 48.0
Exercises [B] 24.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 225.0
Studypoints [E] 9
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract?
Language of instruction Dutch
Reference IBIWTE03A00004
Key words
Textile fibres, natural fibres, man-made fibres based on natural polymers, made-made fibres based on synthetic polymers, high-performance fibres

To give students insight in the structure, the production process, the properties and applications of natural fibres, man-made fibres based on natural polymers, man-made fibres based on synthetic polymers and high-performance fibres.
The theory behind this course forms the essence of the textile technology and is of primal importane to study other textile related courses with a holistic approach.
During the practices (lab tests according to standards), a study of the mechanical, chemical, biological and thermal properties of 1D, 2D and 3D textile materials will be done.

Theory (part 1)
Practice (deel 2)

Part 1: textile fibres
Part 1 discusses the textile fibres individually in the field of:
· chemical composition and structure
· origin
· preliminary production to further processing in the textile production chain
· properties
        - mechanical properties of textile fibres
        - chemical and biological properties of textile fibres: resistance against chemicals and micro-organisms
        - thermal properties of textile fibres
        - influence of humidity, influence of light on textile fibres
· applications

The following textile fibres will be discussed:

a) natural fibres
· Natural fibres of vegetable origin (cellulosic fibres)
        - Seed and fruit fibres: cotton, kapok, coco
        - Bast fibres: flax, jute, hemp, ramie
        - Leaf fibre: sisal
· Natural fibres of animal origin (protein fibre)
        - Wool
        - Hair fibres (mohair, cashmere, angora hair, lama hair and other luxury fibres)
        - Silk
· Natural fibres of mineral origin

b) man-made fibres
· Fibre morphology, staple fibres, filament
· Macromolecular fibre properties
· Production of man-made fibres, extrusion, microfibres, bicomponent fibres, texturing
· Man-made fibres based on natural polymers
        - Regenerated cellulose fibres: viscose, modal, polynosic, lyocell, cupro
        - Cellulose-ester fibres: cellulose acetate fibre, cellulose triacetate fibre
· Man-made fibres based on synthetic polymers
        - Preparation and synthesis of polymers, polyamide fibre, polyester fibre, polyvinyl derivatives (polyacrylonitrile fibre, modacrylic fibre, polyvinyl chloride fibre, polyvinyl alcohol fibre, polytetrafluorethylene fibre, polystyrene fibre), polyolefin fibre (polyethylene, polypropylene), polyurethane fibre

c) high-performance fibres
· Introduction with regard to composites, aramid fibre (meta-aramid and para-aramid), high-performance-polyethylene fibre, metal fibre, glass fibre, carbon fibre, ceramic fibre, …

One or more company visits will illustrate the content of the course.

Part 2: practices
The following items will be part of the practical lessons:
· Study of the macromolecular properties of textile materials
        - Thermal transitions of polymers: DSC (differential scanning calorimetry)
        - IR-spectroscopy
· Identification techniques of textile fibres (flammability test, microscopy, melting test, solve test)
· Study of some fastness properties and other specific physical properties of 1D, 2D and 3D textile materials

Basic knowledge of organical chemistry
Basic knowledge of macromolecular chemistry
Basisknowledge of material sciences
Basic knowledge of mechanics of materials
Basic knowledge of statistics

Final Objectives
Verworven begrippen:

· Fibre formation, fibre structure, fibre properties
· Fibre morfology, macromolecular fibre properties
· Extrusion, microfibres, bicomponent fibres, texturing
· Mechanical properties of textile fibres
· Chemical and biological properties of textile fibres: resistance against chemicals and micro-organisms
· Thermal and other properties of textile fibres
· Influence of humidity, influence of light on textile fibres
· Cotton, flax, jute, hemp, ramie, sisal, coco, kapok, wool, hair, silk, mineral fibres
· viscose, modal, polynosic, lyocell, cupro, cellulose acetate, cellulose triacetate
· polyamide fibre, polyester fibre, polyacrylonitrile fibre, modacrylic fibre, polyvinyl chloride fibre, polyvinyl alcohol fibre, polytetrafluorethylene fibre, polystyrene fibre, polyethylene fibre, polypropylene fibre, polyurethane fibre
· composites, aramid fibre (meta-aramid and para-aramid), high-performance-polyethylene fibre, metal fibre, glass fibre, carbon fibre, ceramic fibres,…

Verworven inzichten:

· Acquire knowledge of textile fibres (natural fibres, man-made fibres based on natural polymers, man-made fibres base don synthetic polymers, high-performance fibres)
· Acquire knowledge of the structure, properties and applications of textile fibres
· Insight in the relationship between fibre properties and yarn properties
· Insight in the relationship between fibre properties and material properties and the behavior of the for that derived textile materials (e.g. 1D, 2D and 3D textile materials)
· Insight in the domain of product development in textiles on the basis of fibre properties to make the link towards innovation and creation of new textile materials
· Insight in the domain of fibre engineering

Algemeen wetenschappelijke competenties:
· In staat zijn om kritisch, creatief en wetenschappelijk te denken en te redeneren
· In staat zijn om mondeling en/of schriftelijk efficiënt te communiceren en te rapporteren over wetenschappelijke en technische problemen
· In staat zijn om relevante wetenschappelijke en technische informatie adequaat te verzamelen en te verwerken

Algemeen technische competenties:
· In staat zijn om ingenieurstechnische problemen wetenschappelijk te analyseren en op te lossen

Algemene competenties:
· In staat zijn om problemen in teamverband adequaat te bespreken en op te lossen
· In staat zijn om kwaliteitsbewust te handelen

Specifieke competenties:
· In staat zijn om de eigenschappen en kenmerken van textielvezels creatief toe te passen
· In staat zijn om ICT te kunnen implementeren in textieltoepassingen
· In staat zijn om technische kennis uit andere disciplines creatief en innovatief te implementeren in textieltoepassingen

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
· Duplicated lecture notes
· Powerpoint presentation
· Additional information with regard to the course from books, specialist journals, internet sites,…
· During the labo sessions the teacher gives a short introduction of the correct use of the labo equipment.
The students execute independently the tests on the basis of written standards.
The students will be evaluated permanently and reports must be made for every labo session.

Study costs
Syllabus (5 à 10 €), labojas

Study guidance
Voor vragen kunnen de studenten steeds terecht bij de titularis van het vak tijdens of tussen de hoorcolleges.
Er kan ook gemaild worden naar de lesgever.
Tijdens de labosessies is er begeleiding van de lesgever en eventuele assistentie van medewerkers.

Teaching Methods
· Theory: lectures
· Practices: labo sessions
· Company visit(s)

Theory (67 %): mondeling examen met gesloten boek, schriftelijke voorbereiding.
De student trekt hiertoe minstens 4 vragen over wellicht 4 verschillende delen van de cursus.
Practice (33 %): permanente evaluatie.
However, if a student gains a score of 7 or less on 20 on one of the different courses (parts of training items) , he proves that his skill for certain subcompetencies is unsufficient. Consequently, one can turn from the arithmetical calculation of the final assignment of quotas of a training item and the new marks can be awarded on consensus.
Of course, the examiners can judge that the arithmetic regulations mentioned in the study index card can also be used for 7 or less.
For each deviation a detailed motivation ought to be drawn up. In that case one should point out that the skill for this subcompetency is proven to be unsufficient, if the student didn’t pass the partim that is considered to be important for certain subcompetencies.
This regulation is valid from the academic year 2005-2006.
