Key words Environmental biotechnology: water purification
Objectives Thorough examination of water purification techniques with the final goal of designing purification strategies for different waste water sources.
Topics First, domestic and industrial waste water is discussed concerning the parameters of water contamination.
Subsequently, the full primary purification is discussed: grids, sieves, sand trap, grease trap, homogenization, pre-settling, flotation and fysico-chemical purification.
The next subject entails a thorough discussion of secondary or biological treatment, whereas also biofilm systems and anaerobic waste water purification will be discussed. Included is an introduction into the microbial ecology of activated sludge and the molecular tools at our disposal to study it.
Following is the tertiary water purification: nitrogen and phosphor removal, with emphasis on microbial techniques, and disinfection.
Finally, filtration (micro-, nanno-, ultra-, reverse osmosis) and alternative small scale water purification are being discussed.
Theoretical exercises concerning design of activated sludge systems based on enzymatic kinetics, introduction into water quality models.
Compagny visit: waste water treatment and analysis of activated sludge.
Prerequisites Competences acquired during the program of Academic Bachelor in Industrial Sciences Chemistry.
Final Objectives Core Competence1
Being able to acquire knowledge of environmental technologies regarding water purification and master specific practical skills (SC5).
Amongst others:
Being able to solve complex problem adequately (AC3).
Being able to collaborate in a multidisciplinary environment (AWC4).
Core Competence1
Being able to design and configure environmental technologies regarding water purification (AC4).
Amongst others:
Being able to responsibly handle environmental, safety and health issues in a laboratory and production setting (SC7).
General Competence 1
Being able to continually think and reason in a critical, creative and scientific fashion. (AC1)
General Competence 2
Being able to apply scientific insight to complex technical engineering problems (AIC1).
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Syllabus Theory
Syllabus Theoretical Exercises
Study costs Syllabus theory: 10 euro
Syllabus exercises and company visits: 5 euro
Study guidance Possibility to ask questions after class or during exercises.
Extra guidance on appointment.
Teaching Methods Theory: oral lectures .
Exercises : company visits, configuration exercises, lab exercises.
Assessment Theory (oral / written examination) : 72,7 %
Exercises / Labs (permanent evaluation) : 27,3%
A weighted average is used to compute the final score for a training item. However, if a student gains a score of 7 or less on 20 on one of the different courses (parts of training items), he proves that his skill for certain sub-competences is insufficient. Consequently, one can turn from the arithmetical calculation of the final assignment of quotas of a training item and the new marks can be awarded on consensus.
Lecturer(s) Leen DE GELDER, Marc COUSSEMENT