Key words systems, control, PID, compensators, state-space, nonlinear control
Objectives The course provides the advanced knowledge for the analysis and design of analog and digital control systems. The main emphasis lies on the management of linear, nonlinear and optimal control problems.
Topics Design of linear stationary control systems based on classical and modern design methods, both in the continuous and discrete time domain, both for siso and mimo-systems. This is followed by a short introduction to nonlinear control systems analysis.
1. Root Locus design of PID-controllers and dynamic compensators
2. Frequency Domain design of PID-controllers and dynamic compensators
3. Digital Control Systems (modelling of sampled signals and systems, z-tranform analysis, practical considerations about direct digital control, implementation of algorithms for digital control)
4. State Space techniques (analysis, multivariable systems, controllability and observability, state-feedback and output-feedback design, introduction to optimal control design)
5. Nonlinear systems (phaseplane and describing functions, stability, introduction to same advanced methods e.g. Liapunov, Popov, circlecriterium)
Prerequisites Controletheorie (3BaEM - 3BaEa)
Final Objectives to be able to implement scientific-disciplinary insights on scientific and/or engineering problems, independently
to be able to find a connection between different scientific disciplines in order to understand technical problems and processes
to be able to automate and optimize dynamic technical processes
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Teachers syllabus
Extra references:
- Nise, Regeltechniek voor technici
- Dorf & Bishop, Modern Control Systems
Study costs syllabus: approx. € 8,00
Study guidance by appointment
Teaching Methods College with theory, excercises and demonstrations (computer simulations)
Language = dutch
Assessment Written examination (open book)
Lecturer(s) ects-fiche: prof. ir. Jan Beyens