Key words telecommunication, datacommunication
Objectives The course aims at giving an introduction to communication systems and its use in industrial environments.
It also gives insight in technical aspects of the different transmission media.
Topics Basic topics (communication model, topologies, OSI-referenence model)
Communication techniques (analog modulation AM, FM, PM; puls modulation, digital modulation; multiplexing; encryption;
error coding techniques)
Transmission media (free space, electrical conductors, optical fibres)
Implementations (modem, fieldbus, Profibus, CAN-bus, ...)
Prerequisites Analog and digital elekctronics, physics, signals and systems
Final Objectives (AC2) To be able to collect and use relevant scientifical and technical information for industrial communication systems.
(AIC2) To be able to understand, implement and deploy new technologies and/or new theories for industrial communication systems.
(SC) To be able to achieve understanding concerning industrial communication systems and their deployment.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Syllabus
Supplementary information on the electronic study environment.
Study costs Cost for the course material (10 €).
Study guidance Individual guidance is provided by contacting the responsible lecturer.
Teaching Methods Ex cathedra colleges.
Assessment Oral evaluation after written preparation
Lecturer(s) Paul Devos