Taught in 1st year Master in Industrial Sciences in Electromechanics
Theory [A] 36.0
Exercises [B] 24.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 170.0
Studypoints [E] 6
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract?
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Peter VAN RANSBEECK
Reference IMIWME01K00005
Key words
Turbines,Numerical Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Flow Simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD

Part I Turbines : Principles of steam-, gas-, wind and water turbines used in Electrical Power Plants. Elementary analyse of different types of machines. Basics of Jet engine.
Part II Numerical Fluid Dynamics : to teach the student the basics in Numerical Fluid Dynamics, numerical Flow Simulation or Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD. The scientific background of CFD, including the physical, mathematical and numerical modelling disciplines will be introduced. During the computer assignments the basic steps of a CFD calculation will be teached, where classical applications are simulated, evaluated and validated. As a final goal the student will apply his knowledge and first experiences in a CFD project.

Part I Turbines : Fluid flow in nozzles and difusors. Steam turbine : basic principles impuls and reaction turbine. Laval, Curtis an Rateau turbine. Gas turbine. Basics of jet engine. Hydraulic turbines : Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbine. Wind turbine.
Part II Numerical Fluid Dynamics : an overview of state- of the art CFD technology and applications will be discused. Starting from the physical modelling and conservation laws, the Navier -Stokes equations will be derived and a hierarchy of mathematical models will be discussed : DNS, VLES, RANS, Euler,... A survey of numerical models applied in CFD will be presented ( including finite differences FD, finite elements FE and finit volumes FV ) The basic fundamentals of the FV method will be derived including space and time discretisation algorithms, applied tothe 1D convection-diffusion equation. The aspect of accuracy, stability and convergence are introduced. Meshing techniques for CFD applications will be presented. During the computer assignments, the basic CFD concepts and steps are teached, for classical applications. Special attention will be paid to the interpretation and validation of the numerical results in comparison with experimental data and available theoretical models.

Part I Turbines : Mechanics I, Mechanics II
Part II Numerical Fluid Dynamics : Mathematics I, II, III , CAD applications, Mechanics II

Final Objectives
Part I Turbines : ATCI, SC7, SC9
Part II Numerical Flow Dynamics :
Scientific Objectives ACW I, ACW 2 : the student has the general skill of recognizing the basic scientific background of CFD including the physical, mathematical and numerical modelling disciplines. The student is able starting from a given practical problem (1) to situate the scientific background, (2) to rerieve the appropriate information an (3) to discuss the problem with CFD specialists.
Technical Objectives ATC 1, ATC 2 : the student possesses a basic knowledge/expertise in CFD in order to perform, evaluate and validate standard CFD applications, with the learned methods. He is able to further specialize, in order to handle more complex applications in collaboration with CFD specialists.

Materials used
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Part I and II : course notes from the professors

Study costs
Part I and II : about 10 Euro

Study guidance
During lectures. On demand. Website :

Teaching Methods
Part I Turbines : theory lectures
Part II Numerical Fluid Dynamics : lectures (1/3) and computer assignments and CFD project ((2/3)

Part I turbines : oral examination. Weight 33 % of the course Toegepaste Mechanica III
Part II Numerical Fluid Dynamics : weight 66 % of the course Toegepaste Mechanica III. Oral examination (1/3) and evaluation of computer assignments and CFD project (2/3)

ir Christian Vandenplas. dr ir Peter Vanransbeeck.