Taught in |
Linking course : Master in Biosciences,Agricultural science - Agricultural science for Prof.Bach. in agro- en biotechnologie (alle afst.)
Linking course : Master in Biosciences,Agricultural science - Horticulture for Prof.Bach. in agro- en biotechnologie (alle afst.)
Linking course : Master in Biosciences,Agricultural science - Food Industry for Prof.Bach. in agro- en biotechnologie (alle afst.)
Linking course : Master in Biosciences,Agricultural science - Food Industry for Prof.Bach. in biomed. Labtechnologie
Linking course : Master in Biosciences,Agricultural science - Food Industry for Prof.Bach. in chemistry
Linking course : Master in Biosciences,Agricultural science - Food Industry for Prof.Bach. in voeding- en dieetkunde
Linking course to Master in Industrial Sciencesin Construction Science forprofessionele bachelors in het vastgoed
Linking course to Master in Industrial Sciencesin Chemistry for professionele bachelors in de chemieen in de biomedische laboratoriumtechnologie
Linking course to Master inIndustrial Sciences in Electronics-ICT forprofessionele bachelors in de elektronica en in de multimedia en communicatietechnologie
Linking course to Master inIndustrial Sciences in Computer Science forvoor professionele bachelors in de toegepaste informatica en in de multimedia en communicatietechnologie
Linking course to Master inIndustrial Sciences in Electromechanicsfor professionele bachelors in de elektromechanica
Linking course to Master inIndustrial Sciences in Textile Technologyfor professionele bachelors in de textieltechnologie
Linking course to Master inIndustrial Sciences in Electrotechnologyfor professionele bachelors in de elektromechanica en en in de elektronica-ICT
Theory |
[A] 36.0 |
Exercises |
[B] 24.0 |
Training and projects |
[C] 0.0 |
Studytime |
[D] 170.0 |
Studypoints |
[E] 6 |
Level |
Credit contract? |
Access upon approval |
Examination contract? |
Language of instruction |
Dutch |
Lecturer |
Reference |
IZIWTE01A00001 |
Key words Matrix algebra, 3D geometry, real and complex analysis
Objectives Mathematics is an essential tool in matters of engineering. Moreover, besides the fact that the acquired abilities are necessary for the applications in related disciplines, mathematics is an ideal tool in developing critical thinking and in setting problems in a clear and comprehensive way.
Topics The part on matrix algebra deals with matrix calculus, systems of linear equations,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors. These concepts are illustrated with several applications
in for example geometry, statistics and mechanics.
In 3-dimensional geometry several basic coordinate systems are given.
Further on different forms for the equations of line, plane and sphere in space are
developed together with their possible incidence relations.
The chapter finishes with the standard forms of quadratic surfaces.
The next part on real analysis focusses on applications of simple, double and
triple integrals and the concept of line integral after having explained the basics of
functions of several variables and partial derivatives.
Finally, in complex analysis, topics such as complex derivation, analytical
function and line integral in the complex plane are treated together with
some important properties.
Prerequisites Final competences from the course in mathematics I.
Final Objectives The student should be able to analyse and solve practical problems by linking
them to the appropriate topics of the course curriculum.
An ability to interpret results and to state them in the right context is expected,
together with the ability of detecting errors in results and fallacies in logical
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Teacher ‘s course
Study costs € 5
Study guidance Possibility to consult the teacher after the lecture or by appointment.
Free holiday course in september.
Electronic: http://docent.hogent.be/~adb603/wis
Teaching Methods Lectures and exercises.
Assessment Written examination and written tests.
However, if a student gains a score of 7 or less on 20 on one of the different courses (parts of training items), he proves that his skill for certain subcompetencies is insufficient. Consequently, one can turn from the arithmetical calculation of the final assignment of quotas of a training item and the new marks can be awarded on consensus. Of course the examiners can judge that the arithmetic regulations mentioned in the study index card can also be used for 7 or less.
For each deviation a detailed motivation ought to be drawn up. In that case one should point out that the skill for this subcompetency is proven to be insufficient, if the student didn’t pass the partim that is considered to be important for certain subcompetencies.
Lecturer(s) The mathematici