Key words HEADWORDS: Finances introduction, IWETO-code: S181-Financial science
Objectives The module is an introduction to the formation parts "Investments" and "Credits" in the later years.
The student has to obtain an insight in the structure of the financial structure in Belgium and the influence market.
The student has to learn and evaluate the saving products offered by the financial institutions.
He has to learn to gather information independently and process this accurately and critically.
Topics Part 1: Financial institutions
- Survey of the financial institutions and intermediaries: profiling, role, recent evolution
- Survey and working of the financial markets
- Paying systems
- Role of the central bank
- Supervision on the financial markets and operations
- Basic deontology principles
Part 2: Introduction to the investments
- Survey of the investment products
- Principles of compounding portfolio and criteria of the investments (return, risk, liquidity, tax law and costs)
- Saving products offered by the bank: savings accounts (banking and branch 21), forward accounts (in Euro and in currencies), sight bills, girocheques and subordinated certificats, insurance bills and government bills.
Prerequisites No special foreknowledge required, but knowledge of economy and interest calculation is an asset.
Be inquisitive and have interest in the financial world.
- Skills: work independently - actualise knowledge - consult sources - obtain and process information
- Attitudes: independence and ability to cope - be able to deal with information on an economic, juridical and financial level - be able to be selective in this information
- Knowledge: knowledge of the financial products, their possibilities and limitations - knowledge of professional terminology - knowledge of financial documents - Knowledge of professional associations and organisations - knowledge of topicality and deontology with regard to the profession
- Skills: follow the financial and economic reality through professional literature
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Own syllabus
Study costs Syllabus: against the accepted copy price: 5 to 10 Euro
Study guidance The student can ask help with the subject lecturer for individual questions.
Feedback on tasks.
Teaching Methods Teaching conversation
Use information sources actively
Independent work with feedback
Part 1:
Written exam: 40%
Permanent evaluation: 10%
Part 2:
Written exam: 50%
Part 1:
Written exam: 50%
Part 2:
Written exam: 50%