Key words Communicative skills, IWETO code 540 Dutch language and literature
Objectives Students get acquainted with and train their oral and written communicative skills, social skills and attitudes they can expect in their first job experience as bachelor in marketing:- Looking up information efficiently
- Analysing collected information
- Processing collected information
- Phrasing written messages adequately
- Holding conversations adequately
- Participating adequately in consultations
- Working towards a solution
- Bearing responsibility
- Learning to work in a team (team spirit)
- Organising and respecting appointments (punctuality)
- Making contacts
- Empathy
Topics Students have the opportunity to practice all kinds of communicative skills.
E.g. they an opportunity to learn how one analyses and processes information, consults sources of information, writes business letters, has business conversations, has consultations, negociates, writes folders and press releases.
- A command of basic terminology from communication theory
- Awareness of the regular course of a communication process
- Having some phrasing ability
- Have a minimum of social skills
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related:- Knowing information bearers and authorities that collect information: libraries, multimedia
- Knowing techniques for concise reporting
- Knowing professional terminology
- Command of Dutch
General:- Thinking and reasoning capacity
- Capacity of critical reflection
- Capacity of project work
- Working on one's own and towards a solution
- Keeping knowledge up to date
- Consulting sources
- Being able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialists as well as laymen
- Command of Dutch
General and job-related:·- Working in a team
- Being able to argue
- Being able to execute simple management tasks
- Being able to negotiate
- Coordinating and directing a team
- Having an understanding of human relationships
- Showing social skill in a team e.g. when executing assignments)
- Finding technical, communicative and social shortcomings in oneself and fellow students
- Looking up information efficiently
- Organising (analysing, synthesising, structuring) information
- Making available and spreading information
- Phrasing written messages adequately (brief written report)
- Expressing oneself correctly
- Conducting conversation adequately (correct telephone conversation and participating in consultation)
- Organising one's own work
- Planning for the short and middle term, adjusting wherever necessary, organising and respecting appointments
- Analytic thinking and problem solving
Job-related:- Being communicative
- Reaching an exact description of a problem through listening and asking questions, at the same time distinguishing main and secondary items
- Being able to reach conclusions sufficiently fast
General:- Sense of cooperation
- Being receiver oriented
- Critical attitude
- Attitude for lifelong learning
- Confidence
General and job-related:- Service orientation
- Coordination with others
- Openness, sociability
- Communicativeness
- Willingness to listen
- Working according to plan
- Assertiveness
- Immunity to stress
- Ability to cope
Job-related:- Sociability
- Empathy, persuasiveness, awareness of quality and accountability
- Assertiveness, loyalty, solidarity, willingness to cooperate in contact with colleagues
- Service attitude
- Handling conflict
- Precision when asking questions
- Immunity to time and work pressure
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Course book and work book (book shop)
CD ROM material (bookshop)
Internet (website)
Briefing for assignments on Dokeos
Study costs Cost of study materials
Expenses involved when executing assignments
Study guidance ConsultationInterview on progress
Teaching Methods Guided self-study:
the project approach involves replacing traditional contact classes by consultation: during consultation the students may freely consult with the lecturer, during programmed consultation students are required to present their progress to the lecturer
Project work
Group work in midsize groups
- First exam session: continuous assessment with oral feedback, group assessment, portfolio: 100%
- Second exam session: written examination 100%
Students registered for the examinations only: - First exam session: 100% written examination
- Second exam session: 100% written exam