Key words Seminar S110 Law
Objectives Students learn how to apply what they have learned so far on law. They need to implement theory in practice and vice versa with flexibility, realism and pragmatism.
Topics Further exploration of judicial methodology and of a number of items from private and public law. Integration of all courses from the first and second years.
Prerequisites Basics of general, civil, commercial, constitutional, fiscal, administrative, criminal and European law.
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related:- knowing private and public law.
General:- Being able to work on a project;
- Work by oneself;
- Decisiveness;
- Consulting sources;
General and job-related:- Being able to work on a team;
- Consulting sources;
- Discerning problems;
- Analytic and problem solving set of mind.
Job-related:- Working with publications and electronic databases, researching law, jurisprudence and doctrine;
- Being able to vulgarize law;
- Being able to apply law within given assignments.
General:- Sense of responsibility;
- Sense of cooperation;
- Being selective with information;
- Distilling goal-oriented or relevant information.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Codex and existent legal literature (library)
Study costs Photocopies at the going rate in Hogeschool Gent.
Study guidance Regular contacts between students and lecturers are planned.
Students may contact lecturers personally for individual problems. Then the lector is the mentor. He/she may be a lecturer guiding the seminar as well as one guiding self-study.
Mentors word the assignment and act as a sounding board during execution.
They assess and coach.
Teaching Methods Cases, supplemented by debate, group work in medium-size groups and interactive sessions.
The seminar is a realistic serial story. Students need to recognize the justicial issues foremost.
The lecturer confronts students with concrete questions on the legal issues, in the form of a specific assignment. Each assignment is clarified step by step.
Students are told exactly what is being expected of them.
Students are encouraged to work on their own (a very important attitude for the profession) and to work well in groups.
Students are given their assignments and hand them in at the time agreed.
Lecturers correct assignments and remedy. There is always a possibility to get individual or class coaching.
Lecturers point out suitable sources.
- First exam session: marks for interim assignments, and for cooperation and effort in group work;
- Second exam session: extensive case with a specific assignment to be executed in the form of a written report;
Students registered for the examinations only:- First exam session: extensive case with a specific assignment to be executed in the form of a written report.
- Second exam session: extensive case with a specific assignment to be executed in the form of a written report.