Key words Partime I :, multi-problemfamily, problem-behavior, problemsolvingstrategy, Partime II :, psychopathology, psychiatry, mental health
Objectives Partime I:
Students have knowledge about the multi-problemfamily To gain insight in deviant behavior and to suggest some interventions. To know that orthopedagogical acting is based on different theories.
Partime II:
The students: -describe with a sense of completeness the target groups who where the issue of study in depth -define with acumen the common scientific professional terminology -discuss correctly the etiology, the possible treatment and guidance plans and the prognosis of the target group -indicate correctly the symptomatology of the target groups in the clinical and/or orthopedic practice for instance conduct disorders, psychotic disorders, anxiety disorders, sexual disorders and other
Topics Partime I :
orthopedagogical issues : deviant behavior, problem-solving, educational skills
Partime II:
We'll discuss the symptoms, etiology, therapy, prognosis of the most important mental disorders.
Prerequisites None
Final Objectives Partime I + partime II :
cfr; objectives
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Partime I :
teachers course + articles
scientific and technical literature
Partime II
selected literature, personal notes
Study costs Partime I
teachers course : 8 euro
literature : about 15 euro
Partime II:
10 euro
Study guidance individually conslutation by appointment
Teaching Methods Partime I :
case-studies and video
Partime II
teaching by debating method exercices with casestudies video
Assessment Partime I : (1/3 of the points)
written examination in januari
Partime II: (2/3 of the points)
written examination in juin
Lecturer(s) Peter Walleghem Katia Perquy