Key words Thesis, Final project
Objectives The student presents a personal and critical report of social observation in the context of the practical training periods of the student.
Topics Personal work up, discussions, interpretations, a.s.o. of specifical own practise-experiences in general.
Personal work up, discussions, interpreations, a.s.o. of some activities, projects, workmethods, a.s.o. in the training period.
Personal work up, a.s.o. of discussions with privilegedge withnesses, for exemple with co-operators of the training.
Prerequisites The general knowledge, skills and attitudes developed during the first, second and third year of the professional education.
Final Objectives The student presents a personal and critical report of social observation in the context of the practical training periods of the student.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information::
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Individual coaching
Lecturer(s) Chairman and members of study group 'teaching practise'