Key words Psychopathology
- The students should give proof of a deeper understanding of the
concept psychich disorder
- The students should give proof of a deeper understanding of the
different approaches used to evaluate psychic disorders.
- The students should give proof of a deeper understanding of different psychic disorders, that are relevant to the students' future field of study.
- introduction
- what is a psychic disorder ?
- the approaches/visions towards psychic disorders
- classification of psychic disorders
Specific psychic disorders: like:
- affective disorders
- schizophrenic psychoses and non-schizophrenic psychoses
- personality disorders
- emerging disorders
- eating disorders
- organic disorders
- anxiety disorders
- ...
Prerequisites Knowledge of the differents schools in Psychology
Final Objectives
Materials used ::Click here for additional information::
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods
Assessment Written examination.
Gino Ameye