Taught in 3rd year Social workSection socio-cultural work
3rd year Social workSection socio-cultural work one year programme
Theory [A] 20.0
Exercises [B] 20.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 125.0
Studypoints [E] 5
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract?
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Arlette Veys
Reference SGSWKS03A00290
Key words
Theory and methodes of Social-Cultural Work

1) Develop a personal professional vision about concrete strategical programmation for different clientgroups, based on a critical analyse of society and on a clear and explicit mission of an organisation of Social-Cultural Work
2) Reflect essentially on existing visions and mission-statements, methodology and objectives in Social-Cultural Work.
3) Profile a fundamental and profound judgement in the four basic funtions of Social-Cultural Work( educative, activating, cultural, recreative).
4)Show a deeper understanding on recent discussions and to reflect critically on certain actual developments in Social- Cultural Work, for example: activating, project learning, lifelong learning, social learning,...

Basis topics in Social-Cultural Work: vision, mission-statement, objectives, strategy, methodology/methods.
Fundamental aspects in programming , for example: start situation of clientgroups ( learning style, learning oriëntation, learning climate, motivation,...) phases of learning, methodology/methods, evaluation and aftercare.
Basic methodology/methods in Social-Cultural Work ( related to the four basic functions of Social-Cultural Work): classical education method, learning by experience (P.Freire), method of O.Negt, ....
Discussion about up - to -date topics: lifelong learning, social cohesion, ....

Students are able to make operational essential contents of Social-Cultural Work, learned in the first year ( Workinitiation) and in the second year ( Social-Cultural Work), in the teaching reality of this course.

Final Objectives
Professional competences:
This course supports:
- Educative function: to able to initiate and to support educative - and developmentprocesses for or with clients in different contexts.
- Activating function: to activate individuals and groups to encrease their participation in the society and to ameliorate their social situation.
- Cultural function: to stimulate the communication and the creativity of people and to support integration and participation of individuals in groups and in informal networks.
General competences:
- lifelong learning around the quality of professional acting
- to plan and to organise
- to be able to handle problems of different kinds in a creative and methodic way
- to reflect critically

Materials used
- teacher's course
- school library materials ...
- others

Study costs
Approximately 6 à 7 €

Study guidance
On demand of students: a clear planning is necessary.

Teaching Methods
- lectures
- exercises
- conversation and discussion
- individual task
- groupwork
- selfstudy

- oral examination
- assignments: arrangements shall be made at the start of this course
- period: june
- alternatives in case of absence: the same assignments as by regular presence.

Arlette VEYS