Taught in 3rd year Social workSection welfare consultancy one year programme
3rd year Social workSection social work one year programme
3rd year Social workSection Human Resources one year programme
3rd year Social workSection socio-cultural work one year programme
Theory [A] 18.0
Exercises [B] 9.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 80.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract?
Language of instruction Dutch
Reference SGSWKX02A00213
Key words
Social Development

- describe actual tensions in Community Organisation
- point at structural causes of individual un-wellbeing
- know methodes and techniques of planned change
- show how to influence the community
- think and work towards emancipation
- are critical towards social policies
- question their vision on the community and people

Students get a theoretical introduction on Community Development (situating the field, methodologies, history and policy) and continu in working groups to investigate actual subjects like participation, integration, empowerment,... In answer to this problem/theme they set up a (fiction) project in the field of social development.


Final Objectives

Materials used
Book: Samenlevingsopbouw in Vlaanderen. H. Baert, M. De Bie, A. Desmet, M. Van Elslander, L. Verbeke (eds.). Editor Die Keure, edition 2003, 811 pgs. Eigen nota’s.

Study costs
Book 55,00 €

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
Introduction: lectures alternated with dialogues and discussions, whereas students' visions, experiences and arguments are basic input.
Profounidng: small working groups are guided in their learning process.

Written examination in June.

Barbara REDANT, Nicole Vanhoucke