Key words classical mechanics, gravitation, dynamics of gases and fluids, optics, acoustics, thermodynamics
Objectives The knowledge of physics -especially of thermodynamics- i nessessary for beeing able to follow the lectures of physical chemistry in the 2nd year. On the other hand, thermodynamics is partially based on mechanics. Furthermore, knowledge of optics is essential in the branch of microbiology (microscopes, concept of enlarging).
Finaly, chemistry, microbiology and related branches originated from the insights and the development of physics in histrory.
Topics Classical mechanics, gravitation, physics of gases and liquids, optics, acoustics, thermodynamics
Prerequisites none
Final Objectives - General competencies:
Capacity of analytical thinking and consciousness are essential for beeing able to understand exact science. Creativity is needed to solve problems. Teamwork is also important for performing tasks.
- Professional competencies:
The student has to know the basic concepts and laws of physics and must be able to see the connections between the different subjects of this branch.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: There is a syllabus available for the theory and for experiments as well: 'Fysica' part 1 and 2 (each about 150 pages) and 'Practicum fysica' (about 40 pages). The syllabus 'Fysica' contains a reading list. Most of the recorded books can be found in the library of the campus.
Study costs About 10 euro for the syllabi
Study guidance Students can ask questions to the professor according to agreement. They can also use the computer program 'fysiquest' in the office of the laboratory.
Teaching Methods Theory: lectures
Exercices: experiments
Accompanied self study: theoretical problems (linked to the theory)
Assessment Written examination for theory and problems.
Permanent evaluation for experiment.
Weighting: written examination 50%, problems 25% (on the basis of two written tests), experiments 25%.
Re-examination is possible only for theory and problems.