Key words Chemical technology
Objectives The course 'Chemical technology' is an essential part of the education 'Professional Bachelor Chemistry'. Physics and General Chemistry are a basis for this course. By means of this course you will get the possibility to achieve the essential knowledge in and experience with different basic processes within the chemical industry. Attention will be paid to the apllication and use of the different types of devices that are frequently used in the industry. After having studied this course you will have the skills to understand and to apply the most common chemical processes on the shop floor.
Topics Introduction to the process industry and process technology Mechanical separation techniques Transformations Heat transfer
The subject matter is built up thematically.
Prerequisites Foreknowledge is not required
Final Objectives Obtaining and assimilating information Having a crital attitude
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Syllabuses
Study costs About 4,5 euro
Study guidance Permanent possibility to ask questions
Teaching Methods Lectures with exercises and individual tests
Assessment Maximum points: 60 points Oral examination with a written preparation Resit is possible
Lecturer(s) K. VLAEMYNCK