Key words Psychology
Objectives To give an introduction to psychology as a science.
Topics A review will be given of a number of important findings in scientific psychology. First, there is an introduction on the ways in which scientific psychology differs from the common-sense psychology. Then, several topics from the field of psychology are discussed, dealing perception, learning, language acquisition and second language acquisition, psychopathology and therapies.
Prerequisites High school
Final Objectives - knowing the basic frame of reference and a number of general processes within the domain of psychology
- recognizing the terminology as used within the domain of psychology and as it is often used in texts
- being able to look up further information on the different psychological theories and especially on language acquisition and second language acquisition
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Syllabus and slides
Study costs Cost: 20.0 EUR
Study guidance Revision lesson
Teaching Methods Ex cathedra, exercises and experiments
Assessment Multiple choice exam (16/20 points)
Experiments & debriefings (4/20 points)
Lecturer(s) Wendy De Moor