Key words H352-grammar, H352-syntax, H570-english-language-and-literature
Objectives The basics class aims to brush up, and to partly extend, the basic knowledge of English grammar on selected topics that are not part of the main course. Only the major rules and the most frequent exceptions are dealt with, so as to enable the student to apply these in translation, précis writing etc.The main course presents a clear insight into the basic structures of the English language and aims at familiarizing the student with the major grammar rules to the point that s/he applies them fluently in actual practice.
The basics class deals with nouns, articles, pronouns, a number of conjunctions and other connectors, adjectives, adverbs and adverbials, to-infinitives and -ing-forms.In the main course, the introductory chapter explains the grammatical terminology and description as elaborated by QUIRK et al. (1985), the authoritative English grammar book. The rest of the course is dedicated to the verb phrase: thorough study of the tenses, the passive voice and auxiliaries esp. the modals. Each of these topics is systematically treated with respect to both form and usage.The basics course matter is organized thematically and so is that of the main course. However, the latter also has a linear structure: there are many cross and especially back references to concepts introduced elsewhere in the course, such as discourse, time-tense-aspect, point of speaking – point of reference, sequence of tenses, etc.
Dutch: mother tongue
English: the mainstream secondary school level for English
Final Objectives
The student:
- knows the basic terminology of English grammar
- can apply the major rules of English grammar
- can identify English grammar problems in a number of areas and is able to suggest solutions for them.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information::
Basics class :
- Exercises syllabus referring to grammar book and dictionary
- LEECH, G. & SVARTVIK, J. A Communicative Grammar of English. Londen: Longman, 2003.
- Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Londen: Longman, 1998.
Main course :
- Theory syllabus
- Grammar book and dictionary cf. above
- WOODS, E. & COPPIETERS, R. , A Workbook to Communicative Grammar of English. London: Longman, 2002
- Handouts with the exercises throughout the academic yearBooks and syllabuses are sold by the supplier, on campus, at the start of the academic year.
Erasmus students arriving later can be helped by their teachers and fellow-students. Handouts will be brought to class by the teachers.
Study costs Cost: 75.6 EUR
Basics syllabus: 1,30 EUR
Main course theory syllabus 4,20 EUR
Grammar book LEECH & SVARTVIK 23,30 EUR
Dictionary LONGMAN 24,05 EUR
Test, exam, handouts: 5 EUR (from the Belgian students’ lump sum towards the cost of handouts; exchange students: to be arranged)
NOTE: A standard grammar book and dictionary are always good investments. However, foreign exchange students may well have their own reference books and are therefore not obliged to buy the Leech nor the Longman used at this institution.
Study guidance
- Mock exam after the first term on basics and syntax. Class and/ or individual feedback
- Supplementary exercises and explanations at student’s request
- Teachers’ consultation hours to be found on their office doors and elsewhere
Teaching Methods
The classes on basics are in small groups: recapitulation of theory but mainly exercises.The grammar theory classes are in large groups. These are later followed by exercise classes in small groups, which sometimes require students to prepare exercises such as fill in, translate, reformulate into one sentence etc.
One comprehensive written exam covering basics, theory and exercises. It takes place at the end of the academic year (end May – early June) and the format is the same as the exercises and test throughout the year.
Lecturer(s) Course co-ordinator Patricia Haegeman
Teaching staff
Sabine DE VREESE (Ee)
Johan DELOOF (Ef)