Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
Teaching Language of the Study Programme: Dutch
Admission Requirements
1st year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
1st year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance (valid starting from 2008 - 2009)
2nd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
2nd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance (valid starting from 2008 - 2009)
3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance (valid starting from 2008 - 2009)
3rd year Bachelor in business studies Special programme for Prof.Bach.BedrijfsManagement - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
Keuzelijst 3de jaar voor Prof.Bach. Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: Financie- en verzekeringswezen