Master in Music section Music Theory and Musical Notation
Master in Music
Teaching Language of the Study Programme: Dutch
Admission Requirements
3rd year MusicSection music theory-notation Optional course music theory
3rd year MusicSection music theory-notation Optional course composition
3rd year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation music theory (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
3rd year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation composition (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
3rd year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation music agogics (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
3rd year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation direction (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
Selection list for 3rd yearSection music theory-notation
Selection list for 3rd yearSection music theory-notation
4th year MusicSection music theory-notation Optional course music theory
4th year MusicSection music theory-notation Optional course composition
4th year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation music theory (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
4th year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation music agogics (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
4th year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation direction (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
Selection list for 4th yearSection music theory-notation
Selection list for 4th yearSection music theory-notation
5th year MusicSection music theory-notation Optional course music theory
5th year MusicSection music theory-notation Optional course composition
5th year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation music theory (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
5th year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation composition (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
5th year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation music agogics (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
5th year Master in Musicsection Music Theory and Musical Notation direction (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
Selection list for 5th yearSection music theory-notation
Selection list for 5th yearSection music theory-notation
Selection list for 5th yearSection music theory-notation
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