Wordt gegeven in Gast- en Exchange studenten
Hoorcollege [A] 80.0
Werkcollege [B] 0.0
Begel. zelfst./extern werk [C] 0.0
Totale studietijd [D] 90.0
Studiepunten [E] 3
Creditcontract? toegankelijk
Onderwijstaal Nederlands
Titularis Ludovic PEFEROEN
Referentie HXGAEX00A00017
dutch, beginners

This is an elementary course. The aim of the course is to develop basic Dutch language skills in both oral and written communication. All four foreign language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) are addressed to help students acquire communicative competence in the Dutch language. This is an elementary course. The aim of the course is to develop basic Dutch language skills in both oral and written communication. All four foreign language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) are addressed to help students acquire communicative competence in the Dutch language.

The following topics will be handled.
1. Wie is dat? Who is this?
2. Hoe schrijf je dat? How do you write this?
3. Hoeveel? How much?
4. Wanneer zijn de winkels open? When are the shops open?
5. Wanneer verjaar jij? When is your birthday?
6. Kan jij dit formulier invullen? Can you fill in this form?
7. Hoe vul jij een dag? How do you fill in a day?
8. Ga je mee? Are you coming along?
9. Wat is je telefoonnummer? What’s your (phone)number?
10. Waar is…? Where is...?
11. Wat eten we vandaag? What are we having for dinner today?
12. Eet jij gezond? Do you eat healthy?
13. Wat scheelt er? What’s wrong?
14. Waar moet ik zijn? Where do I have to be?

No specific competencies are required.

1) Listening skills: To be able to understand not too difficult, uncomplicated speech (messages, conversations,…).
- Understand straightforward and well articulated Dutch.
- Determine the subject in an informative message.
2) Reading skills: To be able to read and understand simple texts dealing with various topics.
- Recognise information in documents.
- Select relevant data out of documents.
- Understand a plain written instruction.
3) Speaking skills: To be able to express/formulate idea’s, instructions and problems clearly.
- React on an invitation.
- Ask someone’s opinion.
- Make and cancel an appointment.
4) Writing skills: To be able to write a simple text.
- Fill in a form.
- Write a short informative text/message.
- Make a note of oral or written information.

::Voor meer informatie, klik hier::
Zo gezegd 1.1 Nederlands als tweede taal, Uitgeverij Pelckmans, 2004.


Intensive coaching.
Questions can be asked during sessions.

20 sessions of 4 hours.

You can choose from 2 courses:
1) Beginning of September - end of November: 2 weeks intensive programme + 9 weeks, one evening a week.
2) End of September – beginning of October: 10 weeks, two evenings a week.

Permanent evaluation: listening – reading - speaking and writing skills.
Oral and written exam.

Kaat Opdenacker (PCVO)
Peter Vervaet (PCVO)
J.P. Maenhaut (PVCO)