Trefwoorden public management, government (local, regional, federal, European, international), study visits
Doelstellingen The purpose of this part of the programme is to introduce students to a broad range of issues in society that are the object of current concern of organizations or institutions in Flanders and in Belgium.
Leerinhoud Study visits:
Flemish & regional parliament
Federal & European parliament
NATO & other international institutions
Conference lectures:
Actual issues and relevant topics for international public management
Begincompetenties No specific competencies are required.
Eindcompetenties To be able to explain the topics discussed during the conference lectures and study visits
Leermaterialen ::Voor meer informatie, klik hier:: none
Studiekosten none
Studiebegeleiding Questions can be asked during visits and conference lectures.
The purpose of the conference lectures & study visits is to broaden up the view of students on different issues.
Every monday, exact hours are depending on the availability of the keynote speakers and the possible dates for the visits.
Evaluatievorm 1. Attendance and active participation during the conference lectures and study visits are required.
2. Oral examination on the issues discussed during the conference lectures and study visits.
OP-leden Eddy Storms