Trefwoorden History, Internet, Change, Perspectives
Doelstellingen Apparently there is no escape from the transformations brought on by the new technology called “the Internet”. Only the beginnings have been witnessed of the euphoria and the anxiety, of the gains and losses incurred by this shift to a truly planetary economy. This course provides an introduction to various factors - communication, networking, globalization, de-materialization- that accompany this world-wide technological revolution. One can only fully understand the possibilities that internet in all its forms can offer, if its history is known.
Therefore, learning and understanding what internet means and how internet has influenced and will influence personal and economic life leading to a critical attitude, is one of the main objectives of this course. Through reading literature, presenting and discussing it, a critical stance can be attained.
Leerinhoud Content is as follows, with this reserve that Dr. Dirk Bollaerts may lecture technical aspects of building a website. Than some issues of beneath programme will be dropped.
I. The New Economy, is it over?
A. What is/was it all about?
B. Vision versus reality
C. Today’s issues: Privacy and security (latest European Regulation)
II. Principles of E-business
B. E-business
III. Back to reality, what is in for Europe?
Begincompetenties No specific competencies are required.
Eindcompetenties Core competences
1) Thinking and reasoning skills, such as summarizing the core of the content, logical reasoning, etc.
2) Obtaining and processing of information, reading papers and presenting content, discussions
3) The ability to display a critical attitude
General competences
Understanding the structure of the knowledge domain and its relation to other knowledge domains
Leermaterialen ::Voor meer informatie, klik hier:: Reader available in printed form and via Dokeos
Studiekosten 30 Euro
Studiebegeleiding Questions can be asked during the course, via e-mail, Dokeos or by appointment
Presentation sessions, feedback during sessions
Onderwijsvormen Lectures, team discussions, and presentations based on reading materials.
Weekly sessions of two hours.
Evaluatievorm Participation in the team discussions and presentations (20 %),
written exam (open book) (70 %)
Second session students: written exam with preservation of score of presentation and discussion
OP-leden Annick VAN ROSSEM