Trefwoorden Human Resource Management, Personnel Management, performance management, competencymanagement
Doelstellingen Human resource management is becoming a major topic in the management of personnel and organization throughout Europe and the United States. The course will examine the most important trends which tend to steer personnel management in the direction of human resource management. Students are expected to gain insight in the nature of these developments.
Leerinhoud I. Personnel Management and Human Resource Management: What’s the difference?
II. A Four-dimensional Model of Human Resource Management
III. Human Resource Management and Labor Relations
IV. The Instruments of Human Resource Management
A. Performance Management
B. Competency Management
C. Motivation
V. Strategic Human Resource Management
A. Human Resource Management as Change Management
B. The Personnel Manager as a Strategic Agent within the Organization.
VI. The Professionalisation of the Personnel Manager: towards a Human Resource Manager?
Begincompetenties No specific competencies are required.
Eindcompetenties 1) Critical insight in development of personnel management toward Human Resource Management.
2) Insight in some Human Resource Management techniques.
3) Being able to have a profound insight in the strategic importance and role of the Human Resource Manager in an organization.
Leermaterialen ::Voor meer informatie, klik hier:: A reader will be provided
Studiekosten Copycosts
Studiebegeleiding Individual appointment
Onderwijsvormen Class time will be a mixture of lectures and discussions. A number of topics, such as a competency based selection system, and the methods of motivating employees, will be examined in their practical details.
Weekly sessions of two hours.
Evaluatievorm The grade will be based on an oral exam.