Trefwoorden International comparative study of public management reform, New Public Management, Government, Administrative reform
Doelstellingen This course is designed to introduce students to the nature and concept of public management reform, also known as new public management or administrative reform. After explaining the basic principles of management in the public sector, this course compares these changes in governance in a number of Western countries, in search for differences and similarities. Students will need to understand the sudden urge to reform, and comprehend that these reforms are the answer to prior problems in public management. They will be able to outline and evaluate the ongoing changes in various countries
Leerinhoud 1. Introduction
2. The Nature of Public Management Reform
3. Problems and Responses: A Model of Public Management Reform (Country-specific features that affect public management reform)
4-5. Many Houses: Types of Politico-Administrative Regimes
6-7. Trajectories of Modernization and Reform
8. Results: Through a Glass Darkly
9. Politics and Management
10. Trade-offs, Balances, Limits, Dilemmas, and Paradoxes
11. Reflections: Management and Governance
Begincompetenties No specific competencies are required.
Eindcompetenties 1) To be able to give a clear overview of determining factors (political, …) in implementation of reform
2) Overview of important processes and actors within government reforms
3) Insight in the reasons for management reform of western-european countries
4) To be able to compare results of reforms
Leermaterialen ::Voor meer informatie, klik hier:: - Relevant introductionary articles on Public Management, management in the public sector and management reform.
- Book: Pollitt, C. and G. Bouckaert G., (2004), "Public Management Reform, A comparative analysis (Second Edition)", Oxford: Oxford University Press, 360p. (more information and table of contents:
Studiekosten Limited to cost of reading material.
Studiebegeleiding Class discussion enables students to discuss course material, coached by the tutor
Possibility to organise internet forum within digital learning platform Dokeos
Individual tutoring on request
Onderwijsvormen Teaching methods will vary from lecture (classical teaching method for the first introductionary sessions) to class discussion.
Reading assignments need to be done for each class meeting. A summary in the form of PowerPoint-slides will be distributed.
Eleven (or twelve) weekly two-hour meetings, equally distributed over the semester.
Evaluatievorm Permanent evaluation: the students’ grades will be based on a presentation and participation in discussions. Students can opt to alter this grade by taking a take home exam (with answers in essay form). This task will not amount to more than one day’s work for students that have actively attended all meetings.