Key words Return, Risk, Portfolio Theory, Investment Portfolio Composition, Portfolio Performance
Objectives The aim of the course is to enable the student to comprehense the characteristics of the most important investment products. Second aim is to provide a sound basis for product management. In all this, managing and understanding equity-based products is stressed.
Topics Part 1: Investment decisions and characteristics of investment products. In part 1, we explain what an investment decision implies and how the characteristics of different investment products are measured. Basic knowledge of financial markets is essential. Part 2: the investment process. The process itself is outlined. In a more detailed approach, the main components of the process are highlighted: allocation, selection and portfolio performance evaluation.
Prerequisites Knowledge of financial products, structure of financial markets and basic statistics is required.
Final Objectives
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Tutor's own course. It is backed by additional exercises and slides. Books supporting the course material are: Elton & Gruber (Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Management) Bodie , Kane and Marcus (Essentials of Investing)
Study costs approx 10€
Study guidance Much of the course materials are backed by exercises and slides. All is available on the teacher's website. The group assignments are supported in execution and presentation.
Teaching Methods Ex-cathedra, underpinned by the most recent evaluations on financial markets shown through the internet. One tenth of class hours are used to make an update of recent evolutions. This material is not considered as basic course material as such , merely as examples. Additionally, there is a group assignment.
Assessment Oral and written exam (/17) group assignment (/3)
Lecturer(s) John Crombez