Taught in 1st year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
Theory [A] 48.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 150.0
Studypoints [E] 6
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Carole Van Sinay
Reference OCBMGF01A00025
Key words
HEADWORDS:, General, civil and commercial law, IWETO-code:, S110,S130 and S144

The course has to give students the necessary insight to understand our strong juridical underpinned society.

The student has to know the most important principles of the juridical prescribed rules of behaviour and recognize the importance, on the basis of the practical use of these law rules for the individual and the society.

The purpose is that the student doesn't only recognizes and analyses the juridical aspects of a given situation, but that he/she also can resolve certain juridical questions in a limited extent.

Make the student alert for the fast evolving legislation and point him/her to learning lifelong.

The student will need the skills provided in this formation part in other formation divisions and in the further education (for example: work placement, final work, other formation divisions).

Notice: in function of the chosen option specific accents are fixed.

Module general and civil law

- Introduction: notion, law sources, classification, political and legal organisation, procedure and proof law, methodical motions, supranational institutions.
- Personal-and group legislation
- Legislation of things and certainties
- Legislation of obligations
- Special contracts
- Legislation of succession and donations

Module commercial law

- Principles that are applicable to all trade forms.
1 Traders and trade activities
2 Obligations of the traders
3 Proof of trade contracts
4 Organisation of the trade lawcourts
5 Trade funds- Trade agreement

- Partnership (introduction)

Agreements with trade agents
Legislation concerning companies in difficulties
Legislation on the trade practices Consumer credit

No specific prerequisites required.

Final Objectives

General professional competencies:

1. Juridical basic knowledge
2. Knowledge of the sources which contain juridical basic data.
3. Knowledge of the juridical basic concepts of the civil law, the commercial law and the partnership law.
4. Knowledge of informatic support and a few departments who gather information: libraries multimedia.
5. Knowledge of the professional terminology


General requisites:

1. Think- and reason ability
2. Express oneself correctly
3. Understand the information given and deduce in function of the problems.


General requisites:

1. Precision and accuracy
2. Adjustment to lifelong learning
3. Inquisitiveness

General professional attitudes:

1. Be able to make a summary, in which the essence exists.
2. Readiness to permanent formation on a professional level.

Materials used
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Module general and civil law
Handbook + possible additions + Codex (recommended literature) newspaper-and magazine articles, slides,...

Module commercial law
Handbook, newspaper and magazine articles, slides,... Codex (recommended literature)

Study costs
Handbook Codex for the passable market price.

Books: Van Hoecke and Bouckaert, introduction to law; Acco Ghysels and Roodhooft, Practical trade and economic law, De Boeck

No further costs for intra- or extramuros activities.

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
Formal lectures completed with teaching conversations and analysis of legal texts.


- First session: written exam 100%
- Second session: written exam 100%

Form of the evaluation: open questions, possible multiple-choise questions, completion exercises and so on.


- First session: written exam 100%
- Second session: written exam 100%

Form of the evaluation: open questions, possible multiple-choise questions, completion exercises and so on.
