Taught in 1st year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Logistics management
Theory [A] 72.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 12.0
Studytime [D] 175.0
Studypoints [E] 7
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Erna Van Droogenbroeck
Reference OCBMGL01A00024
Key words
HEADWORDS:, Company management - Marketing management - Financial management, IWETO-code:, S190-company policy, S191-market study, S192-accounting science

This formation part intends the students to obtain an insight in the different aspects and criteria concerning the commercial, the financial and the organizational policy of a company.
This formation part introduces the necessary basic competencies for the further in-depth study in other formation parts of the diverse main subjects.

Introduction in the diverse aspects of the undertaking with the following pillars:
1 Company organisation: the organisation (structure, policy, culture,...), leadership (tasks, responsibilities, leadership manners) and staff (distribution of tasks, delegation, motivation, internal communication), logistics, administrative organisation and internal control.

2 Marketing management: from production concept till sales concept to marketing concept, social marketing concept, marketing management, analysis of the customer behaviour, market segmentation and positioning, the marketing mix,...

3 Financial management: objectives and basic principles financial report, principle of the accounting technique, equilibrium, link results profit-and-loss account, discussion of the posts of the annual account to obtain an evaluation of the financial health of a company.

- A clear link to the practice over these 3 pillars will be concretized through a coordinating case or task.

no specific basic competencies required

Final Objectives

General professional requisites: - Company management - Marketing management - Financial management


General requisites: Obtain and process information
General professional requisites: - Be able to work as a team - Be socially skilled in a team, by executing tasks among other things - Insight in the organisation of the
company - Be able to deal with information on a business level - Be able to deal with data figures - Obtain an insight in the
construction of the annual account - Retrieve the weak and strong points of persons as well as of the organisation and adjust
where necessary.


General professional requisites: - Practical orientation - Ad value to the available information - Distil purposive or relevant information

Materials used
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Syllabus and/or handbook

Study costs
Syllabus: accepted copy price, specified by the board
Handbook: shop price

Study guidance
Guiding and coaching of the students with the self study
The lecturers are available for questions

Teaching Methods
Formal lectures alternated with interactive teaching conversation
Lecturer guides and coaches student for case, tasks or exercises
Self study

Written exam: 80%
Permanent evaluation: 20%

Written exam: 100%
