Key words Headwords: Marketing strategy and consumer psychology
Objectives Complete and explore the knowledge of marketing concepts. Obtain basic knowledge of the marketing strategies and consumer behaviour. Attention hereby is specially spent on the acquiring of insight concerning the observation and judgement of a product by the consumer. Then one discusses the comparison with other products and the decision-making concerning the purchase of a product. Be able to apply this knowledge on practical situations (cases) and obtain insight in this way in the marketing happening of an organisation.
Topics - Marketing project
- Marketing environment
- Segmentation and target group policy
- Positioning strategies
- Competition strategies
- Environmental influences
- Cognitions and affects
- Process of information
- Decision process
- Attitudes, behaviour and intentions
- Purpose-means chains
- Expectations and experience
Prerequisites Students who have followed the formation part management.
Skills: - Think-and reason ability, critical reflexion, work independently, actualise knowledge, trace and consult sources, be able to analyse practical examples.
Attitudes: - Critical adjustment, involvement, inquisitiveness, self-confidence and self-awareness.
Attitudes: - initiation to flexibility, order and neatness, work methodical, correct learning attitude
Knowledge: - Knowledge of marketing as strategic marketingtool, knowledge of marketing in function of consumer behaviour (marketing in a final consumer oriented activity), knowledge of professional terminology and of the evolutions in the own disciplines, knowledge of the sources to retrieve the general & specific deontological rules.
Skills: - Follow the marketing reality through professional literature, trace all possible sources that contain marketing data effective and efficient, make an inventory and collect.
Attitudes: - Take initiative, inquisitiveness, self-confidence and self-awareness, be able to be selective with information, add value to the available information.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Handbook, syllabus and additional copies.
Study costs Accepted handbook price
Additional copies
Possible participation to the Marketing Foundation student congress
Study guidance Individual questions and problems can always be mentioned.
Teaching Methods Formal lecture, teaching conversation with reference to the topicality, teamwork, seminars, cases, guest speaker.
Written exam: psychology: 30%
Written exam: strategy: 40%
Permanent evaluation: task: 30%
Written exam: 100%