Taught in 1st year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Marketing
3rd year Bachelor in business studies voor Prof Bach. Bedrijfsmgmt. en Lic/Mast Handelswet. - Main Subject: Marketing
3rd year Bachelor in business studiesvoor gegradueerden cvo-marketing - modulair optie marketingm - Main Subject: Marketing
3rd year Bachelor in business studiesvoor gegradueerden HOSP cvo-marketing -modulair optie salesm - Main Subject: Marketing
Theory [A] 48.0
Exercises [B] 12.0
Training and projects [C] 12.0
Studytime [D] 200.0
Studypoints [E] 8
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Regine Desmet
Reference OCBMGM01A00034
Key words
Headwords: Marketing research, IWETO-code: S191 Market trends

This formation part intends to familiarize the students with the different parts that a marketing research can consist. The aim of marketing research is to gather, process and interpret information in an effective and efficient way. Decisions are made within the different marketing areas on the basis of the obtained results.
The knowing and applying of marketing research will return in the further education.

We can distinguish 3 parts.

In a first part the basic concepts and the structure of marketing research plus the conditions to chose for marketing research.

In the second part the attention goes to desk research on the basis of internal and external secondary sources. The discussed techniques all depart from figure examples and exercises, but there is also much attention given to the being able to interpret the obtained figures concretely.

In the third part the structure of marketing research is explored, with the emphasis on field research. Both specified as explicative research are offered.
Are treated:
- explored phase
- definition of the population, sampling frame, type of spot check and size of spot check
- choice of research method (survey method, survey's used in explicative research, experiments)
- draw up registration instruments (with stress on the question form)
- fieldwork
- data preparation and data processing

Basic knowledge statistics as obtained in the formation part statistics (see end competencies formation part statistics)

Final Objectives
- Knowledge of data carriers and departments that gather information: libraries, multimedia
- Knowledge of marketing research: both on desk level as on field research
- Knowledge of marketing research: both on qualitative level as on quantitative research
- Knowledge of the professional literature of marketing research
- Knowledge of the evolutions in the own domain
- Knowledge of the professional associations and organisations
- Knowledge professional terminology

- Think-and reason skill
- Be able to analyse data
- Arrive to an accurate description of the problem through listening and question phrasing and be able to distinguish main-and side issues with that.
- Consult sources
- Be able to work team oriented
- Be able to formulate the right formulation of a problem as preparation on a research.
- Use knowledge infrastructure efficiently (for instance ICT)
- Check the gathered information and documents effective and efficient on their correctness, completeness and topicality, point out bottlenecks and put in additions. Take action where necessary to obtain improvements.
- The ability to critical reflexion
- Distil purposive or relevant information
- Deal with figures
- Select the right methodology and develop the adapted instruments
- Report in writing
- Control on the fieldwork
- Gather, process and interpret professional oriented data

- Critical adjustment
- Like to work with figures
- Accuracy
- Be critical with regard to own conclusions

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Handbook: P. Offermans and M. De Laet, Marketing research, De Boeck
Additional copies (theory and exercises)

Study costs
Around 30 Euro

Study guidance
There are obligated and free consultations on a regular base. Furthermore the students can ask an individual consultation.

Teaching Methods
- Alternate use of classes with classical and independent problems and cases to solve cases
- Self study
- Independent teamwork (with medium-sized groups) The teamwork is evaluated and remedied with interim discussions with the lecturer.
- Course exceeding case, guest speaker

Written open book exam: 60%
Permanent evaluation: 40%

Written open book exam: 100%
