Key words Headwords: professional oriented language training French, IWETO-code: H460
Objectives It is the intention that the student can express himself properly in the second national language in his discipline. The student has to be able to apply the introduced language structures and the professional terminology in a professional, communicative context. We refer hereby also to the findings of the resonance committee for which the knowledge of French is a must.
Topics 1. Extension through exercises of the subjects that were treated in French 1
2. Analysing and interpreting authentical material (diagrams, pictures, spots, short texts, products,...) with regard to the discipline for example: sales, advertising, marketing research, ...
3. Marketing lexicon through self study kit
4. Brief presentation about a marketing oriented subject
5. Guided communicative exercises for example: actes de parole, dialogues, ...
6. Course exceeding project
7. Limited writing assignments
Prerequisites End-competencies French 1
Knowledge: - Knowledge extension of the general and economic terminology
Skills: - Be able to apply the grammatical structures and the vocabulary obtained in French 1
Attitudes: - Sense for cooperation, critical adjustment, creativity, sense for quality, precision and accuracy, self-confidence, being able to defend a point of view
Knowledge: - Knowledge of the professional terminology concerning specifical aspects of marketing
Skills: - Be able to apply the general and professional competencies that were obtained in French 1 fluently, written as well as oral
Attitudes: - as above
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Syllabus, available through the course service
Self study pack on the internet
Study costs Copies of the syllabus to the price a copy accepted in the department. (max 200pp)
Study guidance Guiding and coaching of the student with the self study
The lecturers are contactable among other things through e-mail
Teaching Methods - Interactive method
- Exercises (in class and individual)
- Coaching and adjusting during the self study hours among other things through the internet
- Teamwork
Written exam: 50%
Permanent evaluation: 50%
Written exam: 50%
Oral exam: 50%