Taught in 2nd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Accountancy-Tax Law
3rd year Bachelor in business studies Special programme for grad. HOSP boekhouden - modulair - Main Subject: Accountancy-Tax Law
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: accountancy-fiscaliteit
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: accountancy-fiscaliteit
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: accountancy-fiscaliteit
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 25.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction French and Dutch
Lecturer Martine Piette
Reference RCBMGA02A00011
Key words
French, IWETO-code H460 French Language and Literature

  • Ability to communicate (orally and in writing) professionally and correctly in business and job-related situations.
  • Expanding the basic vocabulary with economic and job-related terminology
  • Ability to analyse and give content of texts and articles concerning the company. Also ability to apply and integrate the vocabulary that is characteristic of these texts.
  • Ability to handle sources of information in a creative way.

  • Deal with French economic and authentic texts and articles
  • Repetition of supplementary grammatical structures.
  • Stimulation of the oral formulating skill in French.

Basic knowledge of first year.
Being communication-oriented.

Final Objectives
  • Knowledge of carriers of information and authorities that collect information: libraries, multimedia
  • Knowledge of techniques of reporting
  • Knowledge of the French technical terminology
  • Knowledge of the French language in job-related situations, both orally as in writing
  • Being critical
  • Work independently
  • Consulting of sources
  • Acquiring and assimilating of information
  • Communication skills: ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions both to professionals as to laymen
  • Command of French (spoken and written)
Job-related (general):
  • Ability to work in team
  • Ability to reason in French
  • Ability to negotiate in French
  • Ability to search information efficiently (professional methodology)
  • Organising of information (analysing, outlining, drawing up a hierarchy)
  • Put knowledge at one's disposal and spread the knowledge (multilingual communication)
  • Reporting in writing in the French language
  • Ability to express oneself correctly in French
  • Correct telephonic communication in French
  • Ability to draw up a report independently
  • Ability to organise both the organisation of work in general as one's own work
Job-related (specific):
  • Being communicative towards customers and co-workers
  • Ability to come to an accurate description of the problem and distinguish most important from less important items through listening and phrasing of questions.
  • Ability to come to conclusions quickly.
  • Customer-oriented
  • Being critical
  • Have adjusted to lifelong learning
  • Self-confidence
Job-related (general):
  • Rendering a service
  • Sincerity
  • Communication-oriented
  • Prepared to listen
  • Work systematically
  • Assertiveness
  • Being immune to stress
  • Independence - ability to do things independently
Job-related (specific):
  • Willingness to talk to customers and co-workers in French
  • Showing that you have commercial insight, empathy, persuasiveness and awareness of quality when coming into contact with the customer
  • Showing that you are assertive, empathic, loyal, solidary and have a mind for cooperation when coming in contact with your co-workers
  • Rendering service towards customers and co-workers
  • Ability to handle conflicts
  • Accuracy in phrasing of questions
  • Withstand work pressure

Materials used
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The students get some photocopies.
Students are expected to take notes during the lectures.
Supplemented with own material (e.g. handbook)

Study costs
Photocopies: valid price
Handbooks: valid price

Study guidance
The lecturer answers the questions of students.
Possibility to communicate through e-mail.

Teaching Methods
The student practices a lot; the theoretical knowledge is presented to them through contextual situations.
This theoretical basis has to make the student acquainted with the concepts and terminology of the language (both in colloquial as in technical speech).
Students follow the lectures and participate in the doctrinal talk (question and answer, translations, oral expressions and individual work like for instance translating and preparing a role play).
Searching of information.
Guided self-study: clearly defined assignments, presentation, evaluation and feedback.

First exam session:
  • 50% written exam
  • 50% continuous assessment
Second exam session:
  • 100% written exam
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:
  • First exam session: 100% written exam
  • Second exam session: 100% written exam
