Key words Stock Exchange and Investments, IWETO-code: S181 Financial Sciences
- The student gets acquainted with knowledge and insight in the various products of investment and the markets where they are traded
- The student gets acquainted with the accepted financial terminology
- The student has to be able to judge and compare the various instruments of investment: he learns how to calculate the output, how to assess the risks and how to check the marketability.
- The student learns to think in a problem-solving way and checks whether the theory is applicable in practice.
The student learns to take on a critical attitude towards the offered financial information.
- Criteria of investment: return, risk, liquidity, costs and taxability
- Products of cash
- Debentures and markets of debentures
- Stocks and stock market
- Derived products (options, warrants)
- Investment trusts
- Some principles of putting together wallets
Prerequisites Both simple and compound calculation of interest.
Basic knowledge of economy.
Fundamental concepts of financial analysis.
Final Objectives Knowledge
Job-related (specific):- Knowledge of the various products of investment and the financial markets
- Knowledge of the technical terminology concerning the stock exchange and the investments
- Knowledge of the evolutions of exchange rates
Job-related (general):- Being critical
- Acquiring and assimilating information
Job-related (general):- Judging the various instruments of investment
- Analysing information and tracing anomalies
- Handling numerical data
- Thinking logically
Job-related (specific):- Follow the financial and economic reality through professional literature
- Search for and interpret financial information
Job-related (general):- Eagerness to learn continuously
Job-related (specific):- Take a critical approach towards the available financial information
Materials used ::Click here for additional information::
- Various information sources: 'De Tijd', financial websites, publications of financial institutions
- Syllabus
Study costs Copies: unit price determined under Hogeschool rules: 10 to 15 euro
Study guidance The lecturer is always available for individual questions by students.
Teaching Methods Lectures, supplemented with method of question-and-answer and practical exercises.
- First exam session: 100% written exam
- Second exam session: 100% written exam
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:- First exam session: 100% written exam
- Second exam session: 100% written exam