Taught in 3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 12.5
Studytime [D] 125.0
Studypoints [E] 5
Level specialized
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Monique Verlinde
Reference RCBMGF03A00005
Key words
Industrial Accident Insurance, IWETO-code: S137 Insurance Law, S143 Social Law

Obtain knowledge and insight into compulsory insurance. Study of the 1971 Belgian Industrial Injuries Act, supplemented with jurisdiction and legal doctrine.
The actual text of law will be analysed by means of the course and notes of the lessons; a lot of attention goes to the evolution in the legislation and the application of the law in practice by the insurance companies.
Competencies such as responsibility and independence in taking decisions are required. Like for instance the accepting or refusing of industrial accidents: the attention goes to the motivation of the decision.

Accuracy: the administrative checking of the Industrial Injuries Fund requires an accurate following up of the rules of procedure.Inquisitiveness and flexibility: since the legislation and the application of it is constantly evolving one has to bear in mind that continuously following of refresher courses is necessary.

Industrial Injuries Act of 10th April 1971.
  • Industrial Injuries Fund
  • Industrial injuries Insurance
  • Collective Accident Insurance

Knowledge of the social legislation and the general concepts of insurance.

Final Objectives
Job-related (specific):
  • Knowledge of the specific legislation and regulation of the Industrial Injuries law
  • Knowledge of the professional literature in the fields of industrial injuries and industrial injuries insurance
  • Knowledge of the carriers of information and instances that collect information: libraries, multimedia
  • Knowledge of the products of insurance as application of the law in practise
  • Knowledge of the evolutions in the own fields of study
  • Knowledge of the technical terminology
  • Knowledge of the unions of profession and organisations
  • Knowledge of the topicality of the profession
  • Knowing where one can get further training and how one can consult information about that
  • Thinking and reasoning power
  • Working independently
  • Updating knowledge
  • Consulting sources
  • Acquiring and assimilating information
Job-related (general):
  • Organising (analysing, outlining, drawing up a hierarchy) of information
  • Following the evolution in own field of study
  • Ability to interpret and apply job-related guidelines
  • Ability to organise both one's own work as the work organisation in general
  • Handling confidential data in a deontological way
  • Thinking logically
  • Insight in complex situations
Job-related (specific):
  • Following the quickly evolving legislation in the field of industrial injuries and check whether the information is correct, complete and up-to-date
  • Translating texts of a law into ready-to-use information
  • Collect, process, store and use relevant information
  • Respect terms and comply strictly with made arrangements
  • Point out correctly the rights and duties of both parties in a contract
  • Client-oriented
  • Being critical
  • Being creative
  • Inquisitiveness
  • Precision and accuracy
Job-related (general):
  • Discretion
  • Coordination with others
  • Result-oriented
  • Working systematically
  • Inquisitiveness, continuously updating knowledge
  • Independence - ability to work independently
Job-related (specific):
  • Sense of initiative
  • Ability to handle legal information
  • Ability to be selective in that information
  • Distil goal-oriented of relevant information
  • Keeping up professional literature
  • Willingness to go deeply into a problem
  • Willingness to gain advice yourself

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Syllabus, topical texts

Study costs
Syllabus and copies at the unit price determined under Hogeschool rules.

Study guidance
Case studies are solved in class.
The student can always go to the lecturer for individual questions.

Teaching Methods
A combination of the method of question-and-answer and lectures, supplemented with writing a paper independently and guided self-study.

  • First exam session: oral exam 70% and paper 30%
  • Second exam session: oral exam 100%
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:
  • First exam session: oral exam 70% and paper 30%
  • Second exam session: oral exam 100%
