Taught in 3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 100.0
Studypoints [E] 4
Level specialized
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer An Vandenberghe
Reference RCBMGF03A00007
Key words
Transport and Credit Insurances, IWETO-code: S136 Transport Law, S137 Insurance Law, S151 Aviation Law

Students have to gain insight into the marine insurance by means of the 'Policy of Antwerp'.
After the study of the insurance of road transport, students have to be able to anticipate on the needs of companies for both covering of risks with goods for own account as well as covering the contractual liability with transportation for someone else's account.
The student also acquires the job-related competencies concerning credit insurances.

1. Analysis of the Sea Law and the Policy of Antwerp.
2. Analysis of the CMR Law and the CMR Policy.
3. Damage and Liability-insurances with cases in transport.
4. National and international organization and working of the transport-insurance market.

  • Concepts
  • Basic principles
  • Request of credit limits
  • Private companies and NDD
  • Arrangement of damage

Knowledge of the general concepts of insurance.

Final Objectives
Job-related (specific):
  • Knowledge of the regulation with regard to transport- and credit insurances
  • Knowledge of the specific legislation and regulation on the offered insurance products
  • Knowledge of the insurance products, their possibilities and limitations
  • Knowledge of the techniques of risk management
  • Knowledge of the evolutions in the own fields of study
  • Knowledge of the technical terminology
  • Knowledge of the unions of profession and organisations
  • Knowledge of the topicality concerning the profession
  • Knowing where one can get further training and where one can consult information about that
  • Thinking and reasoning power
  • Consulting sources
Job-related (general):
  • Ability to argue
  • Organising (analysing, outlining, drawing up a hierarchy) of information
  • Ability to analyse documents
  • Analyse information and trace anomalies
  • Handling numerical data
  • Following the evolution in own field of study
  • Distinguishing problems
  • Think logically
  • Insight in complex situations
Job-related (specific):
  • Comparison of products and give advice to clients in accordance with the economical, judicial, fiscal and social situation of the client
  • Following the quickly evolving legislation in the field of insurances and check whether the information is correct, complete and up-to-date
  • Translating texts of a law into ready-to-use information
  • Ability to identify and analyse the needs of clients
  • Point out correctly the rights and duties of both parties in a contract
  • Ability to mark out the liabilities of both private individuals and companies
  • Ability to handle mathematical tables that determine the risk quantitatively
  • Ability to calculate the financial consequences of various approaches
  • Ability to formulate alternated scenarios
  • Client-oriented
  • Being critical
Job-related (general):
  • Result-oriented
Job-related (specific):
  • Sense of initiative
  • Having an eye for details
  • Distil goal-oriented of relevant information
  • Willingness to go deeply into a problem

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Syllabus drawn up by the lecturer.

Study costs
Syllabus and copies at the unit price determined under Hogeschool rules.
Costs linked to possible extra-muros activities.

Study guidance
The student can go to the lecturer for individual questions.

Teaching Methods
Lectures supplemented with exercises and applications.

  • First exam session: written exam 100%
  • Second exam session: written exam 100%
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:
  • First exam session: written exam 100%
  • Second exam session: written exam 100%
