Taught in 1st year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Environmental Management
Theory [A] 48.0
Exercises [B] 36.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 250.0
Studypoints [E] 10
Level introductory
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Jurgen Meirlaen
Reference RCBMGI01A00023
Key words
Introduction to Environmental Technology, P360 Inorganic Chemistry; P390 Organic Chemistry

  • Acquire basic knowledge for the different environmental-technical courses in the second and third year, for instance for environmental pollution and environmental technology, environmental law and toxicology;
  • Gain insight in the structure of the subject matter;
  • Ability to locate chemical products in a certain group and knowing the most important general characteristics and applications;
  • Ability to read and interpret different schedules smoothly, for instance the periodic system, the table with the potentials of electrodes, table with acid-base constants;
  • Gain insight in simple chemical reactions;
  • Ability to make calculations with data coming from the above mentioned tables in order to determine the cause of the proceeding or not-proceeding of the reaction
  • Ability to make simple calculations that allow to test certain results of analysis to the valid standards
  • Knowing, understanding and interpreting physical concepts, terms and quantities that are frequently used in the environmental technology
  • Ability to make simple calculations with the physical quantities (for instance pressure, temperature, volume, power, energy, …) that are important in the environmental technology;
  • Gaining insight in the chemical and physical operations (methods like distillation, absorption, …) that are used in the technology of process, in particular in the environmental technology;
  • Gaining insight in the functioning of frequently used peripheral equipment in the environmental technology, like for instance heat exchangers.

The syllabus consists of four sections.
Sections 1 and 2 are structured lineary and sections 3 and 4 are structured thematically.

Section 1: Fundamental concepts of the general and inorganic chemistry
The most important items that are discussed here are: structure of the subject matter, the most important inorganic combinations with their most important characteristics and applications, the different types of chemical reactions with for instance quantitative and energetic aspects, PH of solutions. After each worked out item or part of it, attention is paid to exercises by means of worked out examples.
These are both exercises that are based on a limited amount of theory and exercises where more items are discussed.

Section 2: Fundamental concepts of the organic chemistry
The introduction presents a picture of the complexity and largeness of the organic chemistry. We discuss different groups of carbon compounds with emphasis on those solutions that occur frequently in environmental issues. The most important general characteristics and solutions are briefly discussed for each group. Some frequently occurring reactions from the organic chemistry are also briefly discussed.

Section 3: Fundamental concepts of physics
The most important items are: basic concepts of movement, power, labour, capacity, energy, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, state of aggregation, vibrations and waves. Students have to apply certain basic formulas in adapted exercises. When calculating, extra attention is paid to the used units as well as to the converting of practical units.

Section 4: Technology of process
In this part we get a brief discussion about the chemical and physical methods that are mainly applied in the environmental technology. We will discuss for instance: chemical and physical absorption, distillation, catalytic processes, precipitation, coagulation and flocculation, extraction, flotation, centrifugation, magnetic separation, crystallization. More attention is paid to heat exchangers as being important peripheral equipment in many processes of the environmental technology.

There are no specific prerequisites required.
Student is expected to be environment-minded.

Final Objectives
Job-related (specific):
  • Having insight in elementary physical and chemical concepts
  • Having insight in technical terminology of the environment
  • Basic knowledge for acquiring insight in technological processes
  • Having insight in the chemical, physical and toxicological characteristics of the most frequently occurring groups of products
  • Thinking and reasoning power
Job-related (general):
  • Thinking logically
  • Handling numerical data
  • Precision and accuracy
Job-related (general):
  • Neatness and tidiness

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Syllabus "Inleiding tot de milieutechnologie", available at the service for courses.

Study costs
Syllabus: at the unit price determined under Hogeschool rules
Estimated pages: 280

Study guidance
Individual problems of study can be discussed with the lecturer.

Teaching Methods
Formal lecture.
Exercise: certain exercises are made in class as examples.
The students get exercises and have to make them individually.
Later the solutions will be discussed in class.

  • First exam session: 100% written exam
  • Second exam session: 100% written exam
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:
  • First exam session: 100% written exam
  • Second exam session: 100% written exam
