Taught in 2nd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Environmental Management
Theory [A] 37.5
Exercises [B] 37.5
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 175.0
Studypoints [E] 7
Level specialized
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer André Deduytsche
Reference RCBMGI02A00005
Key words
Nature, Ecology, Environmental Law, IWETO-code: S120 Environmental Law; B003 Ecology.

Section Ecology
  • Gain insight in the elementary ecological concepts and their application
Section Legislation
  • You gain insight in the Law of Environmental Management, mainly in the legislation of nature conservation
  • You learn how to search for information in this legislation and how to apply that information in exercises
  • You learn to draw up an application for a license of nature

Section Ecology
The subject matter can be divided into a theoretical and a practical part.
In the theoretical part attention is paid to the next items:
  1. Ecosystem as part of the biosphere
  2. Ecology of population
  3. Ecology of history
  4. Ecology of landscape
The practical part pays attention to:
  1. Ecology and nature management
  2. Building of environment according to techniques of nature
Section Legislation
Discussed successively:
  • Nature conservation aimed at certain territories, including the enactment of license of nature
  • Legislation on open space, including the protection of landscapes, cityscapes and views of a village and monuments and the forest legislation
  • Types of legislation, including the legislation on the protection of animals
Students are given a section-exceeding assignment.
Together with Haus Ternell a seminar is organised in Eupen.

Section Ecology
No specific prescience required.

Section Legislation
  • Having insight in the structure of the environmental legislation
  • Ability to situate the environmental law both in the whole of the environmental policy and in the Belgian impartial law.
  • Having insight in the methodology and the repertory of concepts concerning the environmental law.
  • Knowing which instances of the government are involved in the acting out of the environmental policy in Flanders.
  • Ability to work with destinations of soil in accordance with the legislation on environmental management.
  • Ability to apply the legislation on the obligation of a license in urban development

Final Objectives
Job-related (specific):
  • Having a thorough command over the environmental legislation (section law of environmental management)
  • Knowing the procedures to obtain nature licenses
  • Having insight in the functioning of the ecosystems
  • Having sufficient knowledge of the technical terminology.
  • Thinking and reasoning power
  • Being critical
  • Updating knowledge
  • Consulting sources
Job-related (general):
  • Ability to look up information efficiently (professional methodology)
  • Ability to analyse documents
  • Ability to interpret and apply job-related guidelines
  • Ability to think in an analytical and problem-solving way
  • Thinking logically
  • Having insight in complex situations
Job-related (specific):
  • Can function as a conversation partner of specialists from other disciplines
  • Can search for the environmental legislation
  • Can give advice in relation to receiving a license of nature
  • Inquisitiveness
Job-related (specific):
  • Being environment-minded

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Section Ecology
Syllabus ecology drawn up by lecturer and available at the service responsible for providing the courses.

Section Legislation
Syllabus "Milieubeheersrecht" drawn up by the lecturer and available at the service responsible for providing the courses.

Study costs
Section Ecology
Syllabus: about 170 pages, at the unit price determined under Hogeschool rules.

Section Legislation
Syllabus: about 150 pages, at the unit price determined under Hogeschool rules.
Seminar in Eupen: about 100 euro.

Study guidance
Individual problems of study can be discussed with the lecturer.

Teaching Methods
Section Ecology
Lecture and guidance during efforts to find information.

Section Legislation
Lecture and method of question-and-answer with presentation on slide
.The guided exercises work with codes.

Section Ecology
  • First exam session: written exam on 50% of the total mark
  • Second exam session: written exam on 50% of the total mark
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:
  • First exam session: written exam on 50% of the total mark
  • Second exam session: written exam on 50% of the total mark
Section Legislation
  • First exam session: written exam on 25% of the total mark and 5% continuous assessment
  • Second exam session: written exam on 30% of the mark
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:
  • First exam session: written exam on 30% of the total mark
  • Second exam session: written exam on 30% of the total mark
Section-exceeding Assignment
  • First exam session: continuous assessment on 20% of the mark
  • Second exam session: individual assignment on 20% of the mark
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:
  • First exam session: individual assignment on 20% of the mark
  • Second exam session: individual assignment on 20% of the mark
Students who have not passed in the first exam session, but got a score of at least 10 on 20 for one of the parts, are not obliged to redo this part in the second exam session of the same year. They, however, have to take the exam on the parts where they had less than 10 on 20, if they do not do this they are listed as being absent for the whole course.
