Taught in 2nd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Environmental Management
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 25.0
Training and projects [C] 25.0
Studytime [D] 125.0
Studypoints [E] 5
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction French and English and Dutch
Lecturer Jan Schelstraete
Reference RCBMGI02A00010
Key words
Language Seminar French/English, IWETO-code: H360 Foreign Language Education, H460 French Language and Literature, H570 English Language and Literature.

Section French:
  • Expand on knowledge of job-related terminology
  • Paying attention to the French language system
  • Promote group work and independent work by means of various assignments (presentations, course-exceeding case, meeting, …)
  • To decrease the initial hesitation to express oneself in French
Section English:
  • Knowledge of the English language (language system, language use, vocabulary) is expanded with specific attention paid to the necessary skills in English needed as a bachelor Environmental Management in professional situations: more technical terminology in the areas of environmental care, administration, government and law, technology and science.
  • Development of attitudes that are indispensable from a communicative point of view and training of speaking in front of an audience (structured presentation, visual support, body language, use of voice).

Section French:
  • Working in group on a problem that is related to the environment (is handed in in writing and presented orally);
  • Preparation / guidance with the course-exceeding case;
  • Ability to telephone and hold a meeting in French (job-related context);
  • Occasionally refresh memory of grammatical structures;
  • Oral productions: summarizing and reformulating of topical material that is related to the environment
Section English:
The syllabus consists of thematic chapters, in which the following parts are integrated:
  • Reading skill: strategies of reading
  • Oral skills: for instance presentation, course-exceeding case
  • Writing skill: for instance a summary, translation
  • Vocabulary, mainly in relation to the reading skill
  • Exercise to learn how to communicate efficiently both orally as in writing: review of reading, summary, report, presentation

Section French:
Knowledge of the general vocabulary and the grammatical structures acquired in the first year of business management; knowledge of the standard formulations of telephoning in French (see course French in the first year); deepening of knowledge and specialization (see course French II).

Section English:
Having a thorough command both over the basics of the English language system as over the basics of business English.
The level students have reached at the end of the first year will do.
You are not allowed to having problems with the formation or use of simple past and present perfect, the negative and the question, the difference between adjective and adverb, and more.

Final Objectives
  • Communication (see topics: oral presentation of group work, course-exceeding case, telephone conversations, meeting, summarizing topical texts)
Job-related (specific):
  • Having a thorough command over the technical terminology, both in French as in English
  • Written and oral knowledge of French and English (see topics: course-exceeding case; group work, individual written and oral productions)
General: Being critical, consult sources, acquiring and assimilating information.
Communication skill: ability to communicate ideas, problems and solutions, both to specialists as laymen.
Elementary command of a second and third language.

Job-related (general):
  • Ability to work in team
  • Ability to argue
  • Ability to make knowledge ready-to-use and spread it (multilingual communication)
  • Reporting in writing
  • Ability to express oneself correctly
  • Ability to independently draw up a report
Job-related (specific):
  • Ability to consult environment-technological and legal professional literature in non-native sources
  • Being critical
  • Self-confidence
Job-related (general):
  • Willingness to communicate
  • Willingness to listen
Job-related (specific):
  • Being environment-minded

Materials used
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Section French:
Syllabus, drawn up by lecturer; current articles from magazines and newspapers (library, e-bib), course on Dokeos.

Section English:
Syllabus "English for Environmental Administration, second year".

Study costs
Section French:
20 pages + 20 copies at the unit price determined under Hogeschool rules.

Section English:
Syllabus "English for Environmental Administration, second year" at the unit price determined under Hogeschool rules.
Limited cost for copies of texts you choose yourself in relation to individual work and group work.

Study guidance
Section French:
Class and individual feedback of exercises and assignments; course on Dokeos with a panel for questions.

Section English:
The syllabus has additional exercises both for students who have difficulty with English as for students who want to go more deeply into some aspects.
There is a list 'suggested reading' on which useful titles can be found for both categories of students.
Assignments are assessed individually and provided with remarks.

Teaching Methods
Section French:
Writing down a summary of the results of a project and present these results orally (in group); guided exercises; course-exceeding case.

Section English:
The interactions in class and the traditional exercises in class only serve to put in new subject matters.
There is a lot of individual work and team-work.
There are a number of assignments aimed at the practising of reading and speaking skills.

Section French:
  • First exam session: 100% continuous assessment
  • Second exam session: 100% oral exam
Students who only register to take examinations:
Section French:
  • First exam session: 100% oral exam
  • Second exam session: 100% oral exam
Section English:
  • First exam session: 40% continuous assessment and 60% written exam
  • Second exam session: 100% written exam
Students who have not passed in the first exam session, but got a score of at least 10 on 20 for one of the parts, are not obliged to redo this part in the second exam session of the same year. They, however, have to take the exam on the parts where they had less than 10 on 20, if they do not do this they are listed as being absent for the whole course.
