Taught in 2nd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Environmental Management
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 12.5
Training and projects [C] 50.0
Studytime [D] 75.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access denied
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Danny Schepens
Reference RCBMGI02A00011
Key words
Case, Application for an Environmental License, Communication Skills, IWETO-code: S120 Environmental Law; H540 Dutch Language and Literature.

Section case
  • You are able to draw up an application for an environmental license (with enclosures)
  • You are able to communicate about these issues, also in French and in English
Section Communication Skills
  • You can realise in a professional and efficient way the assignments of communication in the case

Section Case
The data of a company that needs to file an application for an environmental license are given.
The students draw up in group (three to five members) an application for an environmental license as well as some enclosures of the file of environmental licenses.
The students present their file of environmental license to the Provincial Commission of Environmental licenses or on a meeting with the neighbours (put together with lecturers of the involved courses).They answer questions (legal en technological) or explain themselves, even in French and in English.

Section Communication Skills
The students have to make both oral as written assignments, like for instance presenting, corresponding, holding business conversations, negotiate, etc.

Section Case
  • Ability to make simple calculations using those physical quantities that are important in the environmental technology (for instance pressure, temperature, volume, capacity, energy, …)
  • Knowing the nature and origin of the most frequently occurring substances that pollute the environment;
  • Efficiently lookup up information concerning the techniques of decontamination and BBT's
  • Ability to consult environment-technical professional literature up to a certain level;
  • Ability to work smoothly with the technological aspects of VLAREM;
  • Having insight in the methodology and the repertory of concepts of the environmental law
  • Knowing which instances of the government are involved in acting out of the environmental policy in Flanders
  • Having insight in the legislation used for the components of the environment
  • Having insight in the legislation on licenses
  • Ability to search for information in the code
  • Ability to work fluently with the environmental legislation
Section Communication Skills
  • Having a thorough command over the basic concepts from the theory of communication;
  • Knowing about the normal progress of a communication process;
  • Having some formulating skills (oral and in writing);
  • Having a minimum of social skills

Final Objectives
Job-related (specific):
  • Knowing the procedures of environmental licenses
  • Having a thorough command over the technical terminology, even in French and in English
  • Written and oral knowledge of French, English and Dutch
  • Thinking and reasoning power
  • Being critical
  • Working independently
  • Decisiveness
  • Consulting sources
  • Acquiring and assimilating information
  • Communication skill: ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialists as to laymen
Job-related (general):
  • Being able to work in team
  • Ability to argue
  • Efficiently looking up information (professional methodology)
  • Efficiently using the structure of knowledge (for instance ICT)
  • Making knowledge ready-to-use and spreading it (multilingual communication)
  • Ability to express oneself correctly
  • Distinguishing problems
  • Ability to think in an analytical and problem-solving way
  • Thinking logically
  • Insight in complex situations
Job-related (specific):
  • Can be responsible for the internal and external communication in the area of the environment
  • Can participate in meetings and can hold a meeting him/herself
  • Can search for the environmental legislation
  • Can give advice about which license is necessary for which activity (environment and environmental management / urban development)
  • Can give advice about the appropriate conditions of exploitation for a specific activity
  • Can give advice about the ready-to-use techniques to prevent or reduce nuisance of sound
  • Can draw up an application for an environmental license
  • Can cope with the administration
  • Can take care of an oral presentation
  • Sense of cooperation
Job-related (general):
  • Co-ordination with others
  • Eagerness to communicate
  • Independence - ability to do things independently
Job-related (specific):
  • Sense of structure
  • Distil goal-oriented or relevant information
  • Prepared to go deeply into a problem
  • Being critical towards one's own conclusions
  • Taking responsibility
  • Draw up a planning on short, semi-short or long term and steer if necessary

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Section case
Existing materials from other courses.

Section Communication Skills
Same material as for the course "Communication skills II".

Study costs
Costs linked to the performing of the integrated case.

Study guidance
The student can go to the lecturers of the involved courses and ask questions.

Teaching Methods
Section Case

Section Communication Skills
Guided self-study and office hours

Section Case
  • First exam session: working out of case on 50% of the mark
  • Second exam session: a new integrated assignment for both sections (with presentations) at 50% of the mark
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:
  • First exam session: assignment with presentation on 50% of the mark
  • Second exam session: new integrated assignment for both sections (with presentation) at 50% of the mark
Section Communication Skills
  • First exam session: portfolio and continuous assessment (presentation of the case included): on 50% of the mark
  • Second exam session: new integrated assignment for both sections (with presentation) on 50% of the mark
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:
  • First exam session: assignment with presentation on 50% of the mark
  • Second exam session: new integrated assignment for both sections (with presentations) on 50% of the mark
Students who have not passed in the first exam session, but got a score of at least 10 on 20 for one of the parts, are not obliged to redo this part in the second exam session of the same year. They, however, have to take the exam on the parts where they had less than 10 on 20, if they do not do this they are listed as being absent for the whole course.
