Taught in 2nd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Marketing
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: Marketing
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: Marketing
Theory [A] 50.0
Exercises [B] 12.5
Training and projects [C] 12.5
Studytime [D] 175.0
Studypoints [E] 7
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Else Deneys
Reference RCBMGM02A00002
Key words
Marketing communication, IWETO code S191 - market study

Students should be able to use all building blocks of the marketing communication plan as seen in recent findings of marketing communication.
They should also have a detailed understanding of the above, below and through the line of today's media landscape.
They should be able to analyse, interpret and implement facts and figures, detect relationships and see meaningful connections (IMC).
Students should be able to present a coherent communication plan based on a briefing.
Students have to see place and function of marketing communication within the framework of marketing and as a result of the organisation's overall strategy.

Marketing communication
  • The process
  • Survey of mix/media
  • The plan
            - Target group
            - Objectives
            - Strategy
            - Budget
  • Running the campaign
Mix instruments
  • Trends and research/legal and deontological aspects
            - Advertising (introduction)
            - Media glossary
            - Professional organisations
            - Awards
  • Public relatios
  • Sponsoring and events
  • Sales promotions
  • Direct marketing
  • Trade fairs
  • Trends and research/legal and deontological aspects
            - Television
            - Cinema
            - Radio
            - Newspapers and HAH
            - Magazines
            - Internet and new media
            - POS/Outdoor
            - Posters

Have notions of general marketing

Final Objectives
  • Knowing all marketing communication tools
  • The structure of a marketing communication plan
  • Knowing the media (above and below the line - through the line)
  • Knowing professional literature on marketing communication
  • Knowing developments in the field
  • Knowing professional organisations
  • Knowing terminology
  • Capacity of thinking and reasoning
  • Ability of critical reflection
  • Ability of project work
General and job-related:
  • Working in a team and towards a solution
  • Showing social skills in a team, e.g. when executing assignments
  • Following up on current events in marketing through professional literature
  • Tracking any possible sources containing marketing data efficiently, listing and collecting through off-line channels
  • Working out or adjusting assignments for marketing communication
  • Preparing and giving oral presentations
  • Being able to plan the various tasks when drafting a communication plan
  • Creativity when working out a communication plan
  • Using commercial feeling, empathy, persuasiveness and quality awareness when contacting customers and colleagues
  • Being able to analyse, interpret and implement facts and figures, to detect relationships to make significant connections so a valuable communication plan is drawn up.

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
  • Course book: "Marketingcommunicatiestrategie", K. Floor en Van Raaij, ISBN 90207 28571
  • Separate units: (photocopies online / offline)
  • Materials in library: professional literature (Media en Marketing, PUB, newspapers, magazines, internet )

Study costs
  • Course book: Marketingcommunicatiestrategie, K. Floor en Van Raaij
  • Photocopies at the going Hogeschool Gent rate
  • Expenses linked to lectures and company visits (travel, handouts, )
  • Expenses linked to the execution of assignments

Study guidance
  • Coaching of each assignment with a detailed briefing stating the objectives, timing, planning, forms of assessment
  • Integration of feedback moments (strengths/weaknesses analysis) in all assignments, individually or in a group with the statement of points to be improved and remedies.

Teaching Methods
Lecture, interactive approach, case studies, programmed instruction (assignments), group work, debate, lectures and guest lecturers, company visits, cross-course assignments, individual work, guided self-study

  • First exam session: written exam 50% and continuous assessment 50%
  • Second exam session: written exam 100%
Students registered for the examinations only:
  • First exam session: written exam 70% and individual assignment 30%
  • Second exam session: written exam 100%
