Key words IWETO code: S43 social law
Objectives Acquiring knowledge and understanding of social law.
Being able to apply theory in simple situations.
- Sources of social law, esp. collective agreement
- Employment contracts: characteristics, probation, suspension, termination
- Some topics from labour regulation
- Social security law: structure of state social security, contributions to social security, survey of different branches
Prerequisites None
Final Objectives Knowledge:
General:- Basic understanding of law
General and job-related:- Basic understanding of social law
General:- Acquiring an understanding of social law
- Developing powers of reasoning and thinking
- Acquiring and processing information
- Working towards a solution
- Working on one's own
General:- Meticulousness
- Sense of responsibility
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Praktisch sociaal recht, F. D'Hertefelt and L. Laurysens, De Boeck
Notes and exercises
Study costs Course book at normal price
Photocopies at going rate in Hogeschool Gent
Study guidance Students may always ask their lecturer
Teaching Methods Lecture, interactive approach, exercises
- First exam session: 100% written exam
- Second exam session: 100% written exam
Students registered for the examinations only:- First exam session: 100% written exam
- Second exam session: 100% written exam