Taught in 1st year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Legal Practise
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: Rechtspraktijk
Theory [A] 48.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 150.0
Studypoints [E] 6
Level introductory
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Catharina Janssens
Reference RCBMGR01A00017
Key words
General, civil and commercial law, IWETO-code, S110 jurisprudence, S130 Civil Law Commitments and S144 Commercial Law

This course provides you with the necessary insight to understand our society, which is firmly built on legal standards.
  • The student must know the most important principles of the legally determined codes of conduct. He/she should understand the importance of these legal standards, in view of their practical benefit, for both for the individual and for society in general.
  • It is our objective to teach students not only how to recognise and analyse the judicial aspects of a given situation, but also to enable them to solve certain judicial problems to a certain degree.
  • We want to make students alert for our fast evolving jurisdiction and point out the necessity of lifelong learning.
  • Students will need the abilities instilled into this course in their further education (for instance work placement, thesis, other courses).
Remark : depending on the chosen option, more specific accents will be integrated.

Section general and civil law
  • Introduction: notion, sources of law, structure, political and judicial organization, procedure and evidence
  • Law of persons and family law
  • Business law and certainties
  • Contract law
  • Special contract
  • Law of succession and gifts
Section commercial law
  1. traders and deeds of trade
  2. evidence of trade liabilities
  3. organization of commercial courts
  4. trade funds and trade fund contracts
    • partnership law (introduction)
    • contracts with trade agents
    • law concerning enterprises in difficulties
    • law on business practices
    • consumer credit

No specific knowledge required.

Final Objectives

  • judicial basic knowledge
  • knowledge of sources containing judicial basic data
  • knowledge of the basic principles of civil law, commercial law and company law
  • knowledge of data carriers and some authorities which collect information: libraries, multimedia
  • knowledge of professional literature
  • reasoning power
  • being able to argue
  • being able to express oneself correctly
  • being able to understand information with a view to the problems posed
  1. precision and accuracy
  2. willingness to learn all one's life
  3. inquisitiveness
  • being able to summarize
  • willingness to take refresher courses (lifelong learning)

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Section general and civil law
Handbook + possibly supplements + codex (recommended literature), newspaper- and magazine articles, slides, etc.

Section commercial law
Handbook, newspaper- and magazine articles, slides, …codex (recommended literature)

Study costs
Handbook at the usual market price.
VRG-Codex 2 parts, Kluwer (for the sections Legal practice and Accountancy and tax law) at the usual market price
  • Bouckaert en Van Hoecke, Inleiding tot het recht; Acco
  • Ghysels en Roodhooft, Praktisch handels- en economisch recht, De Boeck

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
Lectures in combination with interactive learning and analysis of judicial texts.

  • 50% for section General and civil Law
  • 50% for section Commercial Law
  • First exam session: written exam 100%
  • Second exam session: written exam 100%
  • Students who only register to take examinations:
    first en second exam session: written exam 100%
Form of assessment: open questions, possibly multiple-choice questions, blanks exercises, etc.
