Taught in 2nd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Legal Practise
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: Rechtspraktijk
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 25.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 125.0
Studypoints [E] 5
Level introductory
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Monique Verlinde
Reference RCBMGR02A00005
Key words
Social law (section labour law), IWETO code S143

  • Acquiring knowledge and an understanding of structure and sources of social law.
  • Learning to analyse and discuss current legislation by topic.
  • Critically reading important jurisprudence on recent issues in labour law.
  • Learning to draft documents often used in labour law.
  • Doing research in existing databases.
  • Being able to make exercises on issues in labour law.
  • Phrasing limited legal advice on important topics in labour law.

  1. Sources and hierarchy
  2. Structure
  3. Introduction to collective labour law, esp. "collective labour agreement"
  4. Discussion of labour contracts: types, conclusion, suspension, termination
  5. Concept of wages and protection of wages
  6. Topics from labour law
Each item is supplemented with examples and/or exercises.


Final Objectives
  • Knowing labour law
  • Knowing current issues in the field
  • Powers of thinking and reasoning
  • Capacity of critical reflection
  • Consulting sources on labour law
General and job-related:
  • Assessing information offered (critical attitude)
  • Logical reasoning
  • Ability to analyse and compare different options
  • Critical attitude
  • Meticulousness
  • Attitude of lifelong learning
General and job-related:
  • Practical orientation
  • Desire to learn, keeping knowledge up to date

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Course book: Praktisch sociaal recht (De Boeck); authors: F. D'Hertefelt and L. Laurysens
Professional literature / internetsites

Study costs
Course book at market price
A few photocopies (approx. 20) at the going rate in Hogeschool Gent

Study guidance
The lecturer takes care of coaching, during exercise time students also prepare exercises on their own, or do the necessary research.

Teaching Methods
Lectures alternating with interactive sessions; slides and current documents are used, exercises discussed in class …

  • First exam session: 80% oral exam (assessing understanding and knowledge) and 20% continuous assessment (report on exercise, current topic, exploring doctrine / jurisprudence
  • Second exam session: 100% oral exam
Students registered for the examinations only:
  • First exam session: 80% oral exam (assessing understanding and knowledge) and 20% individual assignment
  • Second exam session: 100% oral exam
